love letter pt.1

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<y/n pov>

              I got up from bed and went straight to the bathroom. 'Does the app really work? ...' i asked myself while brushing my teeth. I washed my face, took my clothes off, and went to shower. I almost lost track of time in my own little fantasy while showering. I've always had fantasies when i was a small child. And no, i don't mean those kinds of fantasies. I mean the ones that let you escape from reality. I got out of the shower and got ready as quick as possible. I rushed down took my breakfast and ran out the door. "Have fun sunny! Take care of yourself!" I heard my mother shout from inside the house. "Thanks mom i will!" I replied while boarding the bus.

      As i got to the school's gate, i was relieved to find out i wasn't late at all and it was only 7:20 a.m. "phew, i thought i was going to have to explain to the counsellor about my reality escaping fantasies. I walked to the school entrance and went for my locker. I quickly changed my shoes and went to y/c's class. 'Here's my little gift!' I thought happily as i walked back to class. I wonder what he'll think bout my gift!

<y/c pov>

         I reached my classroom just in time for the bell to ring. 'Class was soooo boring, i almost slept!' I thought to myself as i grabbed my lunch box and was going to head to the rooftop, until i saw a gift under my desk. I sat down and put my stuff aside on my table; 'hmm? A gift? I wonder who this is from..' i thought as i searched for a note on the box. I was dumbfounded when I realised that the note was inside the gift box. I was definitely anxious to read the note, but i used the leftover courage i had to read;

Dear y/c,

I will not tell you who i am but, i will tell you the class i am from. There, you can find out who i am. If you know me well enough, you might also recognise my handwriting. This gift was made by me. Only me. No body else. I am from class 2-1, third row. I have been admiring you since yesterday! So please, accept my gift.

-anonymous sender-

         'Ugh, these people have to stop. They know I have no interest in them. But, they said class 2-1 right?' I checked the note again and it really did say class 2-1. I had second thoughts about throwing the gift away. If it was from someone else I would've thrown it away whether if it was cute or not. But if this is from them, then I'm keeping it.

I will always love you y/n.


I'm not really sure how I'm supposed to update everyday. Ik y'all want that but i can't fulfill that wish. I have other things to do as well you know? But thanks for the support :)

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26, 2022 ⏰

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