The Flower Girl

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They say sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me, but let me tell you this. They can break your heart. I'd learned this when I was young, but I'd forgotten how badly I could break it. Right now my heart was into many pieces to pick them back up.

Maybe all men with power we're the same way, using those with less power to get what they want. Isn't that what Jaron had just told me? That we never really been friends. That I wasn't welcome here anymore. I told him I'd leave just as I had come, a servant.As I went to my room to change and gather my few belongings I saw princess Amarinda.She stopped me in the dimly-lit hall and asked, " Imogen why are you crying? What's happened?" I hadn't realized I'd been crying nor did I know why. Or I didn't want to know why. But I did know. I cared what happened to Jaron, just as I thought he'd cared."I'm sorry princess. I just need to get my things." I whispered, swiping the tears from where they rolled down my cheeks."Imogen, come to my room." It wasn't an order, but it almost felt like one as I trudged along to her room. In the weeks following Jaron's return to the throne, I'd come to be friends with Amarinda. At least I thought we were friends, how could I be sure anymore? We entered the princess' room and she sat me on the bed. Amarinda sent for a servant to bring a damp cloth.When it arrived I wiped at my eyes and without needing Amarinda to ask what happened again I told the story. She listened without interrupting, but she did make faces." He told m-e to leave and ne-ver come back. Th-at we'd never b-een friends. He said he'd us-ed me to get the thr-one back. So tha-t's what I was doing wh-en you found me. G-oing to get my things a-nd leave." I had hiccups which only made me angry with myself. Amarinda nodded."I think you probably know Jaron better than I ever could, and you know he cares for you.""But how co-uld he care and tell m-e such things?""Jaron can lie," she answered. "But he doesn't without a reason, let me talk to him before you leave.""What if he wa-sn't lying, Amarinda? What if he me-ant every word?""Then he's more a fool than I'd thought." She'd never sounded so angry.She came back a while later with a grim smile."Well," she said settling her skirts on the bed. "There was an assassination attempt tonight." I gaped at her."On Jaron?" I asked, only then realizing how foolish the question sounded."Yes, it was Roden. He told Jaron that if he didn't surrender himself and Carthya within ten days that he and the pirates would take the person he loves most and burn Carthya. Imogen, he's going to go to the pirates. He won't surrender Carthya or himself but he'll go. The regents are trying to send him away or put in a Stewart. He's leaving tomorrow.""Wait Roden tried to kill Jaron? Because he's actually Jaron? And he joined the pirates?""Yes, to all three questions. I need you to do something for me." She paused to take a breath, I took advantage of that and asked, "Do you think that's why he said those awful things?""Yes, indeed I do. As I said before, he doesn't lie without a reason. But Imogen, I need you to go to the pirates and convince Jaron, once he gets there, to leave and come back to Carthya. Will you do that for me?"I was already nodding. I might still be angry with him because he could have just told me. But maybe he'd meant it. I really didn't know. "I'll leave in half an hour," I said."You don't have to leave right away," she said."I told Jaron I'd leave now and I will." Amarinda helped me pack my few belongings and got me a horse. When we finally parted she kissed me lightly on the cheek and wished me luck.Carthya was a beautiful country, but illuminated by the moon it was gorgeous. It was cool but not cold. Spot, my horse, was fast and had us to the border by the time the sun was first peaking over the horizon. That was also when I first heard the screaming.I quickly dismounted Spot and led her to some underbrush. She neighed quietly when I tried the reigns to a tree. I shushed her and pulled out a knife I'd stolen from the kitchens. I walked quickly to where the screams were coming from. I gasped.A man was fighting from inside his house. A woman and young girl were behind the home. The man seemed to be losing the fight. Four men were advancing. I could do nothing to help. I wouldn't do anything but make matters worse. I ran back to Spot and replaced the knife. We raced the rest of the way to Dichell.Once we arrived I sold Spot to a man working the church stables. I figured if all went well, she could be returned to Jaron. "Do you know where I might find some work in Isel?" I asked the man. "The pirates are always wanting kitchen girls, but I wouldn't advise going there," he said."Thank you," I said.With that answer my path to the pirates was clear. I could save Jaron. I would save him. I knew he would be reckless. He would need weapons. I passed a garden. From what I'd seen in Avenia, this was very rare. A strange patch of beauty. It hit me like lightning. I would plant knives in the ground, covering them with flowers. I would plant them for Jaron.

A/N: If you enjoyed it, please don't forget to vote! And check out Dare's Dare. Thanks for reading!

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