Something Fishy

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Chase: So this is the place that turned you into a fish

Jonne'a: A mermaid Chase

Chase: Yeah that's what I meant I don't know I just expected something a little more club med

Jonne'a: See that volcano? the caves are up there

Riker: What? Way up there?

Jonne'a: I want to find out how this happened it takes hard work guys come on the entrance is down there near the waterfall I can't get any closer or I'll -

Ross: I know the whole beached whale thing

Jonne'a: Mermaid boys

Rocky: Yes that is what we meant

Ryland: So how do you get in?

Jonne'a: Swim there's an underwater entrance

Riker: Swim? so the hike was optional? I could've swum?

Jonne'a: Fifty metres? Without coming up for air?

Chase: Right point taken air is good anyway it's better that we discover the pool the same way you did it's much more scientific that way

Jonne'a: Just be careful that you don't fall-

Ross: Jonne'a please we are scientists and we know exactly what were doing

Riker/Rocky/Ross/Ryland/Chase: Oh Whoaaa

Jonne'a: I'll meet you guys down there in the water in her mermaid form

Riker/Rocky/Ross/Ryland/Chase: Oh wow looks around in awe

Jonne'a: Pretty cool huh? so where do we start?

Rocky: First I'd like to map the space then get some rock and water samples for testing

Ross: Something in this environment triggered your transformation if we can figure out what that something was we can figure out how you got your tail and then start asking why

Vanni: The Miss Sea Queen Pageant? How sexist can you get? What kind of a moron would enter something like this?

Laura: You're not thinking of entering Miss Sea Queen Pageant?

Vanni: I'd rather drop dead

Laura: You're just jealous because I'm entering oh and if you're thinking of entering Rydel a word of advice don't bother

Vanni: That's two and Rydel wouldn't be interested in prancing across a stage in a clingy dress

Laura: It's a costume actually

Raini: With a sea motif

Laura: I've always had an affinity with the sea

Rydel: You? That's a joke I'm the one with the affinity I'm a ow

Hayley: Mom have you seen Jonne'a?

Kathy: I think she went out

Hayley: I I haven't seen her she's never here anymore

Kathy: She'd make time if you wanted to play

Hayley: Play with her? No I just wanted to talk to her and borrow a belt sees a diary reads my secret life this is weird

Laura: Give me your most expensive low-fat ice cream oh it's you

Rydel: Flavors?

Laura: Oh you choose I'm feeling spontaneous and ultra confident I've finished the preparations for the competition I have a costume that's to die for

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