The Camera Never Lies

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{All laugh}

Willfred: Big boots to Fill by Chase Hudson with help from Rocky Ross Ryland Capron Riker the winning entry from last year's Junior Filmmaker's Competition 

Jonne'a: If we're gonna win we have to do aware of the rules 

Vanni: Forget the rules it's a short film contest we make a short film how hard can it be?

Rydel: Last year they rejected an entry because it was seven seconds over three minutes 

Willfred: Okay flimmakers this year's theme is heroes and courtesy of Ellington's father the very generous and wealthy Dr. Harrison Ratilff this year's prize money has doubled 

Rocky: Oh awesome 

Vanni: Sounds good 

Willfred: And Dr. Ratliff himself is on the judging panel good luck 

Rydel: Looks at her ex-boyfriend So your dad's judging and sponsoring I wonder who's gonna win?

Ellington: If you're implying that you're an automatic loser I'll second that 

Riker: glares at him Hey don't talk to my sister like that 

Ellington: You stay out of this Lynch 

Ross: It's okay man relax 

Riker: Sorry he hurt our sister 

Rydel: Thanks Riker it's fine really why does Ellington's dad get to judge?

Jonne'a: Probably because he's putting in all the money 

Rydel: But-

Vanni: Maybe cause he's a genuine hero too look 

Jonne'a: That's the windsurfer Harrison Ratliff rode to Mako Island all the way around in record time right Ellington?

Ellington: Yeah whatever old news 

Jonne'a: The record stood for 20 years

Ellington: Yeah my dad big hero blah blah blah blah 

Rydel: I had no idea your dad was a hero you must've been a tremendous disappointment to him 

Jonne'a: So if we're working together we're gonna need to research 

Vanni: Done I've rented all the movies we need 

Jonne'a: Vanni those movies aren't right 

Vanni: You want to research? These are classics Tracy and Hepburn Bogart and Bacall 

Rydel: We'll never win the prize money doing romance 

Jonne'a: It's not about the money it's about the art what about these?

Vanni: At least Rydel's choices had stories I will die if I have to watch a North Korean family eat breakfast for an hour in real time 

Jonne'a: Can't you read subtitles Vanni? These are real films with poetry and mood 

Vanni: Jaws doesn't need the subtitles a shark is a shark in any language 

Rydel: So who goes first we can't watch them all tonight 

Jonne'a: Let's just be ciivilised about this best of three scissors paper rock 

Harrison: So reschedule Mrs Bates for six and we'll squeeze in Mrs Henman's tummy tuck at two okay Pauline?

Ellington: Hey Dad I got you something 

Harrison: No Mrs Goldstein is just a Botox treatment in and out hey that's me I've gotta go Pauline 

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