Chapter 1

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Oh my god yall it's been eight years already? It don't even seem that long but at the same time it does cause my baby's have grown up so fast. I know yall like babys? But Yes baby's I have Twins A boy and A girl, My son name is Carter after his father and My daughter name is Cartier. I didn't know I was having twins until I was in labor,


Im laying in bed sleeping and I felt a big ass gush as if I pissed myself. At that moment I knew my water broke my friend Tanesha was staying with me I met her im law school,

"Tanesha he's coming" I yelled out my room she rushed in with a panic look on her face.

"What did you say" She asked

"STUPID I SAID HE IS COMING" I yelled at her

"Ok ok" she said

grabbing my hospital bag taking it to the car, then she came back and helped me to the car. These contractions are coming hard and fast as hell all I wanted to cry.

We got to the hospital in no time she went in to get a nurse and they came rushing out with a wheelchair and wheeled me into a room.

They changed my clothes I started to curse them out for touching me I was sweaty as shit. The contractions were to the point were they were like two minutes apart I started to scream cause they started to come harder.

" I swear I will never have sex again " I said screaming

Nesha started to laugh and I was dead ass serious I gave her that look and that ass shut the fuck up on sight. Cause how I was feeling at the moment I would literally beat her ass,

"Get this fucking bigheaded ass child out of me" I yelled

"Chill out girl and breath " Nesha said while recording


I felt this boy head on ny coochie he need to get his ass out,


"Well Mrs. Hudson you are crowning and ready to push unfortunately we cant give you a epidural" Dr.Hurst said.


"Push" DR. Hurst told me,

I pushed after like six pushes cried filled the room,

"Its a boy" She said

After I had him the pain was suppose to be gone but it wasn't it was coming hard as fuck.

"Uh hell no the pain is still there" She looked between my legs and she looked at me wide eyed.

"Well Essence baby It seems as If you are having another baby" I started to cry

"how and I gonna take care of two babys man" I yelled in frustration

"You got me Essence" Nesha said

"What did I tell you when You first got pregnant now suck it up and push" Dr hurst said

Tanesha ass still over there recording and shit I want to straight wack her ass you have no Idea how bad I want to kill her ass.

I did as I was told Five minutes and eight pushes later another cry filled the room. "Its a girl" Dr. hurst said

They cleaned them off and brought then too me and placed then in my arms, I started to cry not tears of sadness tears of joy all this shit was over and that I am a Mother of two.

"You know what you want to name them" the nurse asked I nodded,

"The boy Carter Kareem Johnson Jr and the girl Cartier Tanesha Johnson." I said she smiled

"Such gorgeous names for twins" the nurse said

"Thank you" I said

On Novemver 9th Carter Kareem Johnson Jr was born at 11:15 pm weighed 9 pounds 12 ounces.

On November 9th Cartier Tanesha Johnson was born at 11:21 pm weighed 9 pounds 6 ounces.,

"Awe you gave her middle name my first name" Tanesha said

"Noo nigga you know I had to give her my moms name as her middle name"I said laughing.

Cartier was nine pounds six onces and Carter was nine pounds twelve ounces.

I called my dad

"Hello" he said

"Hey daddy" I said

"Hey baby gyal how baby how my little baby doing in your tummy" He asked,,

"Well about that daddy I just had them"I said

"Them" he asked curiously

"Yes baby I had twins a boy and and girl" I said to him

"Nah tap lien to mi babi" He said excited

"Im not lying a boy name is Carter Kareem Johnson jr he weighed nine pounds twelve ounces and the girl name is Cartier Tanesha Johnson weighed nine pounds six ounces" I said

"Awe baby im proud of you you gave Cartier your moms name for her middle name how sweet, and you made carter a junior and you had some big healthy babys" he said laughing

"Daddy dont tell them I had twins I wanna surprise them when I come home" I said

"Ok baby girl secret is safe with me and send me some pictures of my grands" he said.

We stayed on the phone the whole night talking and laughing bout the old days,

(End of flashback)

Every since I left te hospital that day Tanesha been gelping me with the kids they call her "Te-Te Nesha".

Don't get me wrong they know who they know who they father is, they also know who Mike, Dontrail, Faith, Danielle, Ashley, Jason, Waneeda, Chucky, my dad, India, Kyson, mama Rose, Princess and Diamond is,

They know who they is I tell them stories about them on the regular daily basis I show them pictures and everything, But they just haven't met them yet to be honest In scared to face them after all these years.

I miss my family though my sisters and brothers back hime ya know. I dont know how they gone react just yet will they be mad at ne for not visiting all these years.

I believe its about time go me to take a visit back home anyways. From what I heard they father still in the streets or what ever. But I feel like they need to meet him all they do is ask about him.

They know what he do I dont suger coat or hide shit from my kids. I see no point of lying about it they just dont know the reason why I left I refuse to tell them that.

I am the most popular and highest paid lawyer at my firm here im Miami. I am now twenty-five and my kids are eight going on nine. They will be nine in November it is now June and the kids about to get out fore summer breake.


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