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Essence P.O.V

  Night Before The Wedding

All the woman staying the night at the hotel and the man are in another h Right now I miss my baby. I have not been separated from Carter for this long in a couple years i'm used to sleeping under him and hearing him snore. 

      "what you over here pouting for child" Momma Rose ask

"I miss Carter Momma" I pouted

  "Girl you better suck that up and shut up and chill out" She said


"But Nothing come on out here and come in the living room we got a surprise for you" She said cutting me off.

  "Oh lord" I said they always up to something

  I walked in and they were two detectives on the couch, oh lord they got these damn strippers, I walk in and they jump up  and rip off they clothes. They pushed me in the chair and started giving me a lap dance. I couldn't help but laugh then dude got naked and started to smack his meat across my leg.

Oh my god what the hell is going on, I got up and ran across the room he chased me into a corner, I couldn't help but laugh this is so freaking nasty, I looked over at momma and the girls they was rolling on the floor.

  "Y'all will y'all please help me" I asked they was smacking they dicks all over me with they dick slinging asses.

The song was over the dudes grabbed they clothes and headed out the door. 


They laughing I was serious,

"cause it was funny" they all said

I shot them a bird and we decided to do something else we went and got something to eat and chilled out for a bit. When we got back in it was about ten and I was tired and I really needed to hear my baby's voice. I went into the little sectioned off rooms and called him.

 "Hello" He answered first ring

    "Baby I miss you" I pouted

"Awe baby girl I miss you too" He cooed back

  " I'm not used to being away from you this long we usually all  cuddled up watching TV right now" I told him

"I know baby,but tomorrow I promise you this will be all over and we go on our honey mood and imma beat the pussy up cause I know she misses daddy too" He said

 I laughed cause he was damn showl right, she does misses him.

 " You right you right" I chuckled

  " Really Essence you really had to come cake up on the phone" Faith said busting in with all the others behind her

  "Yes I missed him" I replied

she just shook her head,

" Babe what y'allover there doing" I asked

    "Nothing just getting back in from the strip club" He said

" Oh yeah bae ma and these childish ass girls brought me some male strippers and let the rub their bare dick on me and they wouldn't help when I asked them too" I told him they rushed out the room

He busted out laughing 

"That's wrong" He said

  "That's not funny" I said catching an attitude

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