Chapter 1 - The Accident

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There was war in the lands when I was born. This war eventually claimed my parents. The King of Kellick made sure the orphans of war had a home. Some went to work homes to learn to farm and care for livestock. Others went on to squire or to serve on boats. I came to be the apprentice of a man named Tucker. He was the stable master at Lyon Fast. I was three years of age when I became his ward.

Tucker raised me like a son. He showed me how to calm the horses and how to care for them. I learned how to smith shoes for the horses and clasps for the saddles. By the time I was of age I was considered to be one of the most talented horsemen in the Citadel. I was very fortunate to have found such a wonderful home. This came to an end in the spring before my 16th birthday.

The Kings horse was acting frightened and threw a shoe. Tucker was leading her to the posts to tie her legs down. I ran to the small tool shed at the end of the stable to grab the hammer. Just as I turned back toward Tucker, he was thrown to the ground by a powerful kick. The blow dazed him and left him prone. The horse turned and reared to stomp him. I didn't intend what happened next. Nor could I have predicted it. I reached my hand out toward Tucker and screamed for him. His body hastily slid away to safety. It was as if I reached out over those ten Passus, that's just shy of 15 meters for you, and pushed him out of the way.

He lifted his head to look at me. Even with the distance between us, there was no mistaking the horror in his eyes. "W-was that you, Tyrium?" He managed to choke out.

"I don't know for sure...but I think so." I answered him just as much as I was answering myself. By this point Tucker was on his feet and steadily approaching me. His voice was much quieter when he spoke again.

"Has anything like this happened before?"

"No. Nothing like this!" I almost shouted.

"Tyrium!" He said in a harsh and piercing whisper. "Keep your voice down. If anyone finds out about this-" He cut off as he struggled to say these next words. "They'll hang you." A rush of warmth to your face. A quiet falling over your ears. Your vision fading into gray. This is what you remember last before you faint and hit your head.

I awoke several hours later on my cot. A wet cloth was draped on my forehead where I was experiencing some wonderful sensations. I could hear voices but between the pain and the dizziness I couldn't comprehend anything. I remember some shapes moving and a bright light. After the light dissipated I was cured. The pain was gone and my vision was restored.

"What just happened?" I asked trying to piece together something that resembled a reasonable explanation. I looked up and froze. Standing before me with Tucker was a bald man with piercing blue eyes. I had never seen eyes so bright before. Almost as if they were aglow.

"Hello Tyrium." He spoke. His voice had a ring to it that reminded my of the wind chimes Tucker hung by the front door of our home. It was hard not to hang on them as they flowed through my ears.

"Er...Hello." I replied fearfully. This did not go unnoticed.

"Don't fear. I am Malok. I am the High Priest of Kellick." I had heard of him before. Rumors and whispers of gods and magic. Stories to scare children. Things seemed a tad more believable now. "Master Tucker here has explained to me your predicament. I have a couple of questions I'd like to ask, if you don't mind me doing so?" Panic spread over me. I distinctly remember the word hanged being used.

"You told someone?" I asked terrified. My eyes locked onto Tuckers.

"It's alright Tyrium. You can trust Malok. He's a good man." He replied back to me. His calm tone helped bring my stress down. I nodded and stared down at the floor.

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