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Another month has passed, I noticed you bought a new white hoodie. You wore it today in school. Wasn't that hard was it to buy another?

It was my favourite one of yours, I had to beg you practically for a week to keep it, you said you didn't like girls in men's clothing. I always found that odd cos all the romance film and books I've ever seen or read, the boys would always encourage it, but not you, no.

You stayed over once when I was wearing it, my bare legs showing I though you may have got a little turned on by it but instead you told me to go and put something decent on.  I felt like a fool. You often made me feel like a fool, I just never realised it until now.

Tiffiany came up to me today when I was in the library at lunch, she said she missed me. She had a some fucking nerve, I finally had the courage to ask her why she cut me off. Why she choose you over me. She was my friend first. They was all my friends first.

She told me the reason why, it was a shitty explanation really considering we've been best friends for years.

You told them all I cheated on you?

You said they needed to cut me off cos if they asked me I would of just denied it anyway.

That I had changed, that I wasn't the same Avery they all though I was.

Are you actually kidding me Preston!

You really told them that.

You know that's Bullshit.

I was to fucking in love with you to even look at another. You was my everything. I cherished the ground you walked on.

You lied to my friends so they would hate me, you still wanted to control me even when you didn't want me anymore, so you used them to cause me a little more pain, was that it?

You son of a bitch.

The only fucking cheater here is you.

You'll always cheat in life to get your own way, not caring who gets hurt along the way as long as Preston is happy right?

Well fuck you, and fuck them.

I told Tiffiany she was a terrible friend, that she could have just asked and I would of happily told her what happened between us.

Then I found out your parents paid for you all to go away for the weekend to help you get over me.

It's laughable Preston it really fucking is.

The only crime I did was love you, I done nothing else, what other lies did you tell them about me?

You was bored of me so you left me but you couldn't bare the though of losing the friends you had cos off me, so you had to stab the knife a little deeper than you already had.

You can have them Preston, I don't want them. I don't want any of it. I don't even want you anymore.

You all deserve each other.

I can find new friends, I can find happiness again.

I can build a life that doesn't have you in the centre of it.

So again, fuck you and fuck them.

I didn't need yous in my life, I wanted yous in my life and that's the difference.

Your fearful to be alone... I was once too, Seven months ago to be precise but I'm not fearful anymore.

I've spend seven months alone,

All the fears I had became my reality over night.

Yet here I still am,

My eyes have been so open.

I truly hope you treat Maddison better than you treated me.

Now I'm off to go find something alot more better.

My heart is done with you, you'll never get it back so don't even try to bother.

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