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POV: Nobody.
TWS ⚠ ,,Angst'(Maybe) but who?..
,,.Levi and identity.,,  

▸ 誕生日 . . . ︵︵ ↴


(A song i would recommended listening to while reading this) <3
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To be continued..

Levi woke up from sleeping next to his friends; and sat up from leaning on the tree that the 3 boys slept on (Uncomfortable).
Levi turned to look at the two boys, seeing them both sound asleep they looked peaceful and calmed Levi thought he should at least take them to their house now since it's dark. He decided he should wake them up even though he didn't want to. Levi shook identity up to wake him up first,Identity opened his eyes adjusting them as he sat up off of the tree ,,What?'' asked identity facing towards Levi now that he can now see what he is looking at.

Levi frowned slightly but shook it off,  ,,It's dark we should head home my car ain't far from her just two blocks down'' Identity looked at you as well back at Levi then nodded. Levi took that as he agreed. 


Levi took a head start while identity got on one knee to lift you up in his arms. Once he got you in a good comfortable position where you wont wake up, he tagged along with Levi as he caught up with him. Levi and identity walked side by side along the breezy cloudy sky. Levi started fiddling with his hands. ,,So..how long have you and uhm Y/n been friends ?" Levi looked up
from fiddling with his hands and smiled at the question


,,Well me and them have been friends since middle school, Me and them would always hangout it was like we were inseparable" Identity turned to look at Levi he also saw that Levi was looking right back at him. He fronted a smile as well as Levi ,,Oh look there is the car right there!" Said Levi.


Identity turned back in front of him as he sees them get closer to the car. Levi took out his cars keys fiddling with them for a bit and clicked a button that also made the car light up inside, Levi got inside the car while identity opened the back car door also placing you down in the car. Once identity was finished making sure you would be okay like this, he closed the door shut and walked over to the other side of the car. Identity opened the door and got in front with Levi, Levi then started the car putting it on reverse then he backed out pulling off after a few minutes later.


Once again it was just Identity Levi. With a sleeping girlfriend/friend in the back, snoring quietly
(This made me yawn 😭)


While Levi was focused on driving the car to take ya'll home Identity was looking out of the window as the trees and different houses passed. ,,Hey Identity?" called out Levi Identity turned around ,,yeah".. Levi was still looking at the road now looking back at him but kept talking.


,,Well i wanted to ask you something just between you and me" Levi had stopped at a red light, he then turned and faced identity that was already looking at him. With a confused face he responded ,,yeah sure what is it?" ,,Well I wanted to see if you and me can-" before Levi could finish telling identity the light turned green, Levi cursed under his breath at himself when they got at identity and y/n block identity told him which house it was and pulled over next to it;


,,What was it you was about to tell me?" identity asked but then Levi said he would tell him later so he gave identity his number and said he will text him later on tonight or talk about it tomorrow.


They both said their goodbyes and identity took you out of the car and headed towards the house. When you and identity were inside he locked the door then headed to the room, Identity didn't know if he should change you himself but he did..anyways. Once he got you in clothes that are more appropriate to wear to sleep, he got into bed with you and dozed off wrapping his arm around you.


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