5. ▪︎Birmingham Best Friends▪︎

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"Leigh Anne," Perrie whispers.

"Leigh Anne!" She prods her friend.

Leigh Anne's gorgeous brown eyes flutter open.

"What's wrong?" she grumbles.

"Nothing, babe, don't worry, but I wanna show you something".

Leigh Anne frowns, following Perrie, who is walking out the room. In the room next door, they find Andre in an armchair holding his two children to his chest. It seems they all fell asleep here last night together.

Leigh Anne obviously takes a million photos. Careful not to wake any of them, she pecks his cheek.

"That's the best thing I've ever seen," Leigh Anne smiles, shaking her head, "thanks for waking me up. Why were you awake anyway?"

"I just woke up," the blonde shrugs.

"Who knew you'd ever be the first person to wake up," Leigh Anne jokes, "we used to drag you out of bed for interviews in the morning".

"It's a mummy instinct," Perrie replies.

"I can't believe you're a mum," Leigh Anne murmurs, stroking Perrie's hair.

"Uh, you are too?"

"I know, Pez, but you're the baby of the group you know?"

"Leigh, stop! Don't make me emotional at 8am!"


"Where's Jade?"


"With Jordan?"

"No. He'll be back in a couple days".

"Should we check on her?"

"She's asleep".

"Maybe she woke up, c'mon let's go see".

Jade was indeed asleep. She was cocooned in the blanket, face hidden by a curtain of curls.

"Can we wake her up?"

"Pez! No! She needs to rest."

"It's boring without her!"

"Am I not entertaining enough?" Leigh Anne jokes, raising one eyebrow.

"Ooh! I have something interesting," Perrie exclaims, whipping out her phone.

It was a bronze statue of her body while carrying Axel. It looked very majestic and expensive, all smooth and shiny.

"God, it's beautiful, Per," mumbles Leigh Anne.

"Isn't it?" Perrie smiles proudly.

"Did you have to step into a bath of plaster though hun?"

"Yeah, sorta. And he was kicking a lot that day, so it was hard to stay so still".

"Try two, babe".

Pregnancy is difficult for every woman but being a popstar makes it especially inconvenient. They shot a lot of music videos in a short period of time, which was difficult. Shoots had been always been stressful and tiring, even at the start of their careers.

Hormones at a high and extra achey muscles added to this made them very unenjoyable. Jade and the team tried their best to comfort them, but the best thing was to go home and rest.

One director in particular wasn't as understanding, which led to Jade having an outburst, claimimg that the girls were doing a ridiculous amount more than they should, considering their pregnancy.

She looked out for them through the whole nine months, holding back their hair during gruesome morning sickness, faking injuries so they could sit out and providing everything they needed.

Now the girls were mothers, the roles had sort of reversed and they were more protective over Jade.

"I wish I made one of those," Leigh Anne pouts.

They hear rustling behind them.

"Shhh!" hisses Leigh Anne.

They freeze.

"I know you're there," Jade says.

"Oh baby, we didn't mean to wake you, I'm sorry!" Perrie apologises.

"It's okay," Jade yawns, rubbing her eyes.

"Are you tired?" Leigh Anne asks.

"Not really, I actually slept really well for once".

"That's good! Should we all go for breakfast together?" Perrie suggests.

"Oh yeah, I could murder a cup of tea, hun".


"It looks gorgeous babe!" Leigh Anne is complimenting Jade's hair, which has been straightened and given a slight wave. It reminds her of what her hair looked like most the time during the Get Weird era.

"Pretty woman!" Perrie exclaims when she sees it, making Jade blush.

"Not looking too bad yourself, Pez," she giggles.

"Has anybody seen my Spike pillow?" she continues.

Nobody has.

"Oh ok, well tell me if you do. I'm gonna need it".

Jade routinely hugged the pillow after the loofah section of the show, because they were normally all upset when when got off.

However, she didn't need it tonight because for the first time, she didn't get emotional during Between Us. Some of the team jokingly applause her when she appears.

"Well done, Jadey," Leigh Anne laughs, hugging her friend.

That night, they sing on the tour bus. They blare old 90s music, singing at the top of their lungs. They sway with their arms around eachother, belting out the Spice Girls and occasionally twerking.

"Just like the old days eh?" Jade says, feeling weirdly nostalgic, when they all flop down on the couch.

They take one look at each other and tears start to swell. They hold a long group hug. Leigh Anne is unfortunately at the bottom of the huddle, Perrie and Jade squashing her. If she stops breathing, at least it was during a hug with her sisters.

Then Jade is sobbing again and the bus driver is looking very alarmed as they all cry together.

"Where's my pillow?"

"I don't know babe, hug us instead," Leigh Anne says, grabbing Jade. They have another group hug. Somehow, Leigh Anne is at the bottom again.

"Hate to ruin the moment guys, but I'm gonna bust a lung," she wheezes.


Hey so yea that's it basically kay bye. Enjoy. X


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