9. ▪︎ Epilogue ▪︎

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The girls attended their farewell (for now) party a couple days later. Perrie was styling a brown leather pair of pants and a matching top, her hair pulled back tightly. Leigh Anne wore a slightly transparent green dress with cheeky cutouts to flaunt her toned body. Jade was head to toe in a grey and white patterned bodysuit showing off her perfect curves, and a very mini mini skirt to complete the outfit.

They were ushered into the venue past the vicious paparazzi, who snapped some pictures of their outfits.

They squealed at the sight of eachother and rushed to embrace. They showered eachother in compliments as usual.

"C'mon huns, we have guests waiting," Jade reminded her two friends, intertwining their arms and making way toward the door.

Everybody cheered when they entered, their boys rushed up to them and put their arms around their waists, proud to be their partners.

After a while they steered away from Alex, Jordan and Andre. Tonight was their night, it belonged to just the three of them.

An hour in, the guests were loosening up and the party was really getting going.

Jade had made a beeline for the bar. Perrie felt an arm swing around her and Jade's head landed on her shoulder.

"Hey Pez," she grinned. She wasn't drunk, but you could tell she was getting there.

"Hi Jadey," Perrie laughed, "you look like you're having fun!"

Jade giggled and Leigh Anne groaned.

"Jade! We're depending on you to do a speech in like.. five minutes!" she hissed.

"Relaaax, Lee- Lee, I can sober up real quick," Jade winked.

And she did. She delivered a fantastic speech, summed up everything they wanted to say well, and made everybody laugh, even when it was a sad moment. The jägerbombs were very beneficial.

With no more responsibilities, the girls had fun. Necking back drinks, dancing and singing together, enjoying long hugs. This was a celebration, not a sob fest.

"Ugh! It's been so long since I've had a night out, I forgot what a light weight I am," Perrie said to Leigh Anne. They were tipsy now too, feeling light and airy, giggling at everything.

"I know! Mom duties have really weakened my alcohol tolerance," Leigh Anne agrees, swaying along to the music. She smiles in admiration at Perrie, so proud of the women they'd both turned into.

"Where's Jade?"

Jade was twerking on top of a table.

"Oh my God, tell Jordan to start diluting her drink!" Perrie shrieks through laughter.

Andre requested his fiancé's favourite piece of discography and when it came on, she almost screamed. They all slowdanced to ' I Love You', and for the last chorus they ditched the guys and danced with eachother.

The night was coming to and end. Nearly everyone had left and staff had started sweeping the main hall. They were grazing the sweet parlour together.

"I bloody love you girls," Jade slurs, gripping onto Perrie because the room was spinning.

"We do too, babe," Perrie smiles, holding the brunette up and cuddling her affectionately.

"I'm gonna miss you so much," Leigh Anne quips in.

"We'll text everyday," Perrie replies, the drink elongating her vowels.

"Everyyyday," Jade nods.

The farewell party was a night to remember. A total success. Everything had gone perfect, which is exactly what our girls deserve.

I just hope they know that we adore them, and we'll be waiting here for them, until they're ready to come back to us.

The end

Well, well, well. That's it! Finished with a short and sweet chapter.
Some of you might have noticed that I changed the title of this book to One Last Time, because I felt The Final Tour was unoriginal and plain. And while One Last Time isn't massively creative either, it's better than the first name in my opinion, and hopefully some mixers will know the personal reason beind it. The girls were to listening to 'Baby, One Last Time' in the dressing room before their final performance at the O2, so I figured it made sense.
Thank you so much to everyone who gave the time to even view my story, it's my first ever, and while there's much room for improvement, I put a lot of time and effort into it and I'm frankly quite proud of it! Thank the few regular commenters too, who really showed their support.
Look out for my next book coming out, which I plan to be a selection of one shots, but I'm not completely sure if it will be yet.
Hope you enjoyed! X


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2022 ⏰

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