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Mari opened the door to see Hero's face. It seemed relieved but also slightly frightened. He was dressed well and had some roses in hand. "Hero!" mari exclaimed. "Uhm, Mari! did you expect me.?"
Hero said nervously. "No not at all! Your presence was a lovely surprise!" Mari said politely.

Hero gave Mari the flowers and blurted out, "Uhm– Would you like to go to the dance with me?" Mari stood in surprise for a couple long seconds, and smiled warmly. "I'd love to, Hero!" She could see Hero's face get redder by the second. Mari jokingly said "Oh don't get embarrassed now!" Hero was bright red. "Oh I have to get ready now, cya Hero.!"
as Mari gently closed the door.

Mari trotted to the room she shared with Sunny happily and started to look through her neatly put together clothes, in contrast to Sunny's side of the wardrobe. He looked up from his computer to see Mari humming happily. "What's the occasion?" Sunny said in a monotone voice. Mari said "Oh nothing.. just Hero asked me out!!!" Mari said exitedly. Sunny spoke "Oh congrats.. I guess.."

Mari snickered as she pulled a nice dress out of the wardrobe. "I'm making you come to the dance with me, y'know." Sunny jumped slightly at what she had said. "What?! Kel was planning on showing me some new items they had at Hobbeez! I can't make time to come to that stupid dance.." Mari waved her hand as if to shoo him off. "It's fiine!! All of your friends are coming too, so there's really no way out of this." Sunny thought about this.. Either had to be alone for the night or come with Mari and all our friends. Whelp, I guess sunny was going.

By the time it was night, Sunny was getting dressed, and Mari was waiting for him outside of the house. Once Sunny had finished getting dressed, he went outside not to be greeted by Mari, but Basil. He was wearing a dress with flowers on it, maybe a hand-me-down from Polly? "S-Shall we go to the dance?" Basil said nervously. "I'd be honerd." sunny said holding Basils hand. Basil was internally freaking out but was calm on the outside.

The two entered the college dance room, where college students around Mari's age were and highschool students their age. They were met with blaring lights and music. Sunny flinched slightly since he wasn't used to this many lights surrounding him, despite going to his highschool prom."Are you ok, Sunny?" Basil asked in a concerned fashion. "I'm.. fine just not use to the light, thats all." sunny responded. Sunny looked for mari and saw her "hey Mari, do you have those flowers? I need a rose real quick."

Mari gave a sly look and slipped a rose from the bouquet Hero gave her to hand to Sunny, who was not taking the look she gave him nicely. "Uh- Thanks." Right as sunny tried to slip away from Mari and Hero dancing, he saw from the corner of his eye Kel flailing his arms and running towards him. Oh god, this wasn't going to end well. Sunny accepted his fate as a tear was running his cheek. "Hey sunny! Whos the rose for?" Kel said teasingly. Sunny wanted to murdur him because he turned bright red and got defensive, "Eh? M-Mind your own business!!" Sunny said angeredly.

Kel gave out a blood-boiling giggle as he inched closer to Sunny. "You can tell me anything, y'know!! I PROMISE I won't tell anybody. Is it for Aubrey? BASIL?!" Sunny could feel himself getting even more red by the second once Basil was mentioned. "OH MY GOD. HEY EVERYBODY!! SUNNY IS GIVING A ROSE TO BA–" Right before Kel could expose the fact Sunny could have a crush on Basil, he placed a hand over his mouth. "DON'T. SAY. ANOTHER. WORD. YOU TELL ONE LIVING SOUL AND I'LL MURDER YOU WHEN YOU TAKE A BATHROOM BREAK." Kel looked shocked yet he understood as he walked away to got tell Mari, Hero, and Aubrey. Sunny already accepted his fate and caught up to Kel "Wait! If they were to know, I'll at least tell 'em" kel looked back and said "Its the right thing to do, it is.."

Next thing Sunny knew, Kel was ushering him to Aubrey with Mari and Hero watching intently in the back. "Oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god Kel I swear to god I'll actually kill you this time" As he met face-to-face with Aubrey, he slurred and stumbled on his words, but was able to force some words out. "UhmmsoBasilandIarekindagoingonadateIdontknowbutKelismakingmetellyoupleasedontinterfereKelisabitchforthis" Aubrey tried piecing together what he said. "Uhm.. you and Basil are going on a date and Kel is making you tell me?" Sunny nodded. Aubrey teasingly said "Always knew that you guys loved each other.. but not this way.." Sunny attempted to choke Aubry but kel prevented it. "ALRIGHTNOW TOTELLMARIANDHEROKAYYYYYY" Kel said worryingly.

Basil stood on the dance floor, taking some shallow sips from his fruit punch. He couldn't see Sunny anywhere as far as he could tell. Maybe he was in the bathroom by this point? Basil went inside the boy's bathroom and the sight he saw was enough for him to shiver a little. College students were smoking and making out. Sunny was definitely not in there. he got out as soon as possible. He went back to the fruit punch table and started to empty the bowl.. sip by sip.

Once Kel and Aubrey had forced him to tell Mari and Hero about his date, he was bid farewell and he looked for Basil with the rose in-hand. He spotted Basil by the fruit punch and gave a heavy sigh of relief. "Hey, Basil. Sorry I took so long. I had a run-in with Kel.." Basil gave an amused chuckle. "I understand, he can be.. er, how do I put this politely,  slightly-anoying at times.." Sunny chuckled and unintentionally gave him a smile. Basils camera in hand took a picture of this rare occasion.

Sunny jumped back after he heard the click of the camera. "H-Hey!! Get rid of that!" Basil swiped it away from Sunny's grasp. "Nope! I'm keeping it foreve- What's that in your hand?" Basil pointed to the rose Sunny was holding. "Oh- yeah, here." Sunny handed Basil the rose, which was slightly worn down from the run-in with Kel. "Wow.. T-Thank you.. so much!" Basil said.. getting lost in the moment Sunny kissed Basil.. Sunny quickly realized what he has done and backed away "I'm sorry I didn't mean-" Sunny spoke being interrupted by Basil, "No, no, your fine!" Sunny looked to the side embarrassed, "Hey theres something ive been meaning to ask you" Basil said nervously, "W-What is it?" sunny respond. "Will you be my bf?" Basil said shyly. app

Sunny covered his face in embarrassment and peeked back up to Basil. "Yes.." Basil could feel the same embarrassment Sunny was feeling, but gave Sunny his hand. "Uhm.. Would you like to dance..?" "Of course I would, my flower." Sunny responded. "Oh wow, not even a minute into the relationship and you already gave me a nickname?" Basil said teasingly. "Oh stop complaining.." Sunny said jokingly. In the middle of the dancefloor they were. Dancing to the music. The spotlight on them. from the sidelines, Mari, Hero, Kel, and aubrey were watching. Mari had her camera ready for when they kissed. Hero asked "Why do you have a camera?" "I knew something like this would happen, that's why I invited them!" Mari said proudly. "Guess you were right!" said Hero. In the middle of the room, slow dancing, there they were.

(this is still a wip, more coming to this chapter!!)

Omori - Sunflower (Basil x Sunny)Where stories live. Discover now