Untitled Part 6

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"Hey kids! Comyet said Ink could visit us today, Uncle Asy will take care of you for now." Cq informed the children at the dining table "Yay! Ink's coming." Geno claimed happily "Hey Ma, Can Deccy come over too?" Fresh asked eating his cereal "Yes he can Fresh." Cq Affirmed. the family of 4 was eating their breakfast in soft silence with a few chatting here and there. "Done. I'm going to my room" Error claimed as he brought his bowl to the sink and cleaned it. "Okay Error" Cq, Geno acknowledged.







Error walked to his closet and looked around in it "what's that?" Error mumbled pushing a stack of clothes out of the way. "Is that a... Harajuku hoodie? huh, Ink gave this to me as a present didn't right? Never wore it though... Maybe I should wear it today." Error thought as he took the hoodie out of the closet and onto his bed. He examined the hoodie, It was a soft latte coffee color with a picture of chocolate on the front. Putting back the stack of clothes he noticed something at the back of his closet, He pulled them out and examined them. Error realized that it was an early release design that Comyet gave to him. It was pants, colored dark brown. "Maybe the pants and the hoodie would look good together?" Error thought, With that in mind Error put the pants below the hoodie on the bed. "Huh... not bad" Error said out loud, grabbing his underclothes, outer clothes, and towel, he went to the bathroom to bathe.

AN: This is what they look like/similarly

I apologize if you were expecting a full-on drawing and not a chibi character with Errors outfit on, I tried to make it seem like it's him minus the face and stuff

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I apologize if you were expecting a full-on drawing and not a chibi character with Errors outfit on, I tried to make it seem like it's him minus the face and stuff...


"Huh, this feels comfortable..." Error thought as he wore his slippers with socks on, "KIDS, AUNT COM, AND INK ARE HERE!!" Error heard his mom yell "Coming!!" He heard Geno yell as well but less loud. Error, Going out of his room and walking down the stairs, His face darkens as he tries not to look at the stairs... "I still remember that time..." Error's mind goes to a dark dark place...












"Geno! Fresh! Error! Nice to meet you three again" Aunt Com snaps Error out of his trance. Ink, running towards Error, hugs him suddenly "𝕎𝓱at t𝓱乇 *千𝓾ภķ*!?" Error glitches, Ink letting Error go "Sorry! I got excited" Ink apologizes, Ink walks away from Error and talks to Geno. Ink let Error cool down and come to him when he was okay again, He was used to this so he knew what to do. "Yo ink broseph, what are you's two talking about?" Fresh asked, "and what's up with Error bro?" Fresh looks at Error while also observing him "Ink ran up to him and hugged him too quickly" Geno answered Fresh "Hey! I just realized, Errors wearing the gift I gave him!" Ink pointed out

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