Nothing is real . . . But what about you ?

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Nothing is real  . . But what about you?

Song: Home by emuemi

TW: uhhh like three swears. Goro fans come and get y'all's angst juice.


His stomach really didn't feel right. The tingling feeling increased with every step he took toward his apartment.

Maruki's reality ,, he contemplated. It was everything everyone ever wished for. Nice , wasn't it? Everyone gets their happily ever after. They're all too busy with their perfect lives to squint and realize something was amiss.

Goro Akechi however refused to accept and believe in this world of lies.  He had made his choice. He had carved his own path. He suffered his fate.

So to be tied to a string and hung across Akira's head as a temptation was nothing but a slap on the face.

What happened happened ,, he knew. He knew where he stood. It was up to Akira to keep his promise to end this reality. Nothing would budge him.

Lightly ghosting the stair rail ,, he cringed and shuddered. He couldn't explain it ,, but he felt this static. When he touched or stepped anywhere. Like a glitch in code ,, not supposed to be there at all. A dream he couldn't wake up from. Static when he aimlessly traced the hall wall. Static when he laid his hand on a door knob. A door to his apartment.

Twist it. His mind had whispered. He barely could.

The door opens. Straight away ,, the young man spots many things different from his original abode. A vase of flowers on a coffee table he wouldn't ever buy. Neither would he have the time to take care of the delicate flowers. The television on a stand with sweet but humble decorations. The television itself playing reruns of old Featherman R episodes. Episodes he hadn't seen since he was a kid. Memories resurface of him sitting close to the box TV  ,, cross legged as a child ,, gripping his toy ray gun and not daring to blink. He wanted to soak up every single drop of action! His heroes looked so cool with their signature moves.

He realized. This episode was one of his favourites as a child.

''I remember this episode.'' A sweet and familiar voice reached his ears. A giggle that he sadly never heard often in his younger years of living.

He didn't dare shift his gaze.

''Wasn't it your favorite?''

Fists balled ,, teeth tightly clenched ,, muscles tensed. He gulped ,, hoping to swallow down the lump forming in his throat.

It just . . had to be her , huh?

''I certainly remember that episode 34 was.''



He was frozen ,, barely breathing. His red eyes glued to the flowers in front of him. Focus. Sounds of characters crying in their battle ,, weapons clashing kept him from insanity. What was this ? This disgusting attempt at temptation before him to accept this reality was bullshit. Puppets wearing familiar skins danced along like nothing ever wrong had happened. Bullshit. In an attempt to let everyone forget about the true reality , this only made it even more clearer to him. It was all bullshit. She was gone. She was dead. End of story.

Nothing is real . . . But what about you ?Where stories live. Discover now