Chapter 1 Friends

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In the kingdom of Fiore

One of the shores of Fiore

"Where are we going Natsu?" Wendy asked "I'm tired"

"I'm not sure but if we keep moving, I'm sure we will find them," Natsu said then he took off his bag and said "here I'll carry you"

"No, it's ok I can walk," Wendy said

"Ok then if you say so," Natsu said

Then a raft washed to shore with a scarlet haired girl in it

"What is that?' Wendy asked

"I don't know let's check it out" Natsu answered "stay close to me"

Wendy nodded

Then they head to the raft and saw the scarlet haired girl then the girl she woke up this scared Wendy

"What happened? Who are you two?" Erza said

"You were washed here from out of nowhere," Natsu said

"i-I'm W-Wendy," Wendy said nervously

"And I'm Natsu," Natsu said confidently

Then Erza got up and started walking away

"Hey, where are you going?" Natsu asked

"None of your business" Erza said

"Can we at least tag along with you?" Natsu said

"No, you can't," Erza said

"Please can we join you?" Wendy said with a sad eye

"(Sigh) fine you can tag along," Erza said

"So, where are you going anyways," Natsu said

"Might as well seeing that we are traveling together" Erza said "I'm looking for the guild called Fairy Tail" "what about you two"

"We are looking for our parents," Natsu said

"Yeah, ever since they disappeared, we were looking for them," Wendy said

"Oh, ok then you might find some people that can help find your parents," Erza said

"You think so," Wendy said

Erza nodded

"let's go then," Natsu said excitedly "I'm fired up now"

"By the way what are your names," Erza said

"I'm Natsu and this is Wendy what's yours," Natsu said

"My name is Erza," Erza said

A few hours later they found a town that is in ruins and saw a boy who was crying in front of a monster encased in ice

"Why is he crying Natsu?" Wendy asked

"I don't know Erza should we go check on him," Natsu said

"Alright," Erza said

"what's wrong," Wendy said to Gray

"I just missed my master," Gray said

"What happened to your master," Erza said

"She sacrificed herself to save me," Gray said

"Want to come with us so you won't be lonely anymore," Wendy said

So, they traveled now with Gray 

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