Crossover Chapter Aphmau

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"Sorry guys but I'm going to cut the book short cause I'm losing inspiration to write a fairy tail story so this last chapter" "this one will be a look at what the my new book might be and I'm going to focus on from now on" "The other books i published (Cuphead star wars the Strauss siblings) are also in on hold cause of lack of inspiration to continue"

After the tower of heaven arc, the team was on a mission

"Aphmau owns the character Zane and KC anf"

Third person's POV

Natsu| so what's the mission you picked Gray

Gray| well it said a cat girl and an emo guy disturbing the peace

Carla| why did you pick that you guys aren't made for that kind of mission

Natsu| what are you talking about

Happy| you know what she's talking about Natsu

Then as they were walking, they heard a loud squeal

Wendy| did you guys hear that

Erza| let's go check it out

So, they did look and there they saw a pink-haired girl with black cat ears and a black tail, and an emo guy who was talking to her then as they approach them the cat girl Turned and looked at them, she squealed

Emo guy| four breath ...breath

Four? | Zane look it's them

Then the team looked confused

Zane| oh

Wendy| um I'm confused

Zane| ah yes ok let us introduce ourselves hi I'm Zane and---

Four? | kawaii-Chan but you can call me kc

Erza\ well I'm Erza this are my siblings and their cat friends

Gray| I'm Gray

Natsu| Natsu

Lucy| Lucy

Wendy| hi I'm Wendy

Happy| I'm Happy and this cutey is----

Carla| Carla

KC| aw that's so cute (squeals loudly) I ship it

Zane| four breath

Wendy| is she ok

Zane| yeah, she's fine just ignore it

Lucy| o-ok weird

Then a few minutes later of KC fangirling later

Zane| anyways did you guys see anyone looking suspicious

Erza| what do you mean by suspicious

Zane| I don't know like someone sneaking around

Lucy| rude but we didn't see anyone out of the ordinary

Zane| well then four we need to keep moving if we want to go back home

KC| right

Then they started walking off

Lucy| hey wait we might be able to help you

Then KC stopped walking and held Zane's hand to stop him

KC| Z-Zane

Then Zane looked at KC looking cute "like puss in boots"

Zane| fiiinnnee but how are you going to help us

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