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Jungkook POV

Taehyung fell asleep while on the ride back at my mansion, I held her close to me and carried in her new room

I really don't know what to think that now I know what she is...

Should I ask her? Does she remember anything if ever she's the little kid  I've known when I was 12 years old?

I descended the stairs after I tucked her in bed, Yoongi hyung stands in the living room with a phone in his ears talking to someone

"Track his location and get it done!" He said with a firm voice to whoever he's talking to the other line

And then he cut the call facing me

"Jungkook, how is she?"

"She's sleeping without eating dinner, she got tired for all the crying, she so worried about her missing trident. She might woke up later hungry"

"Hyung? Do you think she's the one I'm searching?"

Hyung look at me with furrowed eyebrows

" I thought you already forget about her, even if we have all the resources to find her, we're both young when that happens, we can't even have pictures of her. We just know that she's a mermaid, black long hair, ages 5 to 8 years old?"

" But hyung I got this intuition that she might be her"

"Have you ask her how old is she?" Hyung seems frustrated

" Not yet, I forgot to ask her that"

" We still have our parents when all that happens, we don't know if she's there when our parents died.. have you try to ask her if she remembers something, anything!" Hyung said taking a seat while running a hand on his hair

" And what if she's the girl you always wanted to see? What will you do? Punish her?" He continue

" I don't know hyung, all I want is to know the truth" I sit across him

" I don't want to believe something absurd hyung! I don't trust that Daehee"

" It's just imposible to accuse a little girl of murder! How a little girl like her can manage to kill a bunch of human adults. He's saying she got super strength but dad and mom won't leave home with at least 10 guards with them, and all of them are dead to testify, he's the only one who claims she did it"

" How did our yacht sinked that killed them all? They have life boats even life vest!" I continued

I still remember the day when we got the news that our parents died, they say it's an accident, they were surfing but the waves got bigger and they both drowned, some say a mermaid killed both them by dragging them down to the ocean then later on found their body floating somewhere

though the autopsy results stated that the cause of death is drowning

Hyung and I got on the 4th day of their 2nd honeymoon to visit them and left the next day because we needed to go back to Seoul to attend class. That's the last time we see them alive but before all of that happened I met a little girl months before.

Our parents have a shipping company, we have businesses around the world, transporting cargos

We were on vacation on Jeju island when I met a young girl hiding behind rocks on the shore. She got scared when I came to her with a beach ball in hand

Her legs are covered with scales, she's wearing a dress but it's short for her showing her legs. I thought she's having an allergy

I told her I mean no harm, I just wanted to play and she agreed afterwards in one condition, don't tell anyone what I saw, and leave her for a moment because she need to completely dry her legs before she can play with me

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