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"Hyacinth, Lily.." Taehyung holds their hands stopping them from playing.. it's time for bath and her kids are giving her a hard time to dry them

"Stop playing please?" Taehyung said softly hoping the kids will listen to her when she look at Hyacinth with a frown. The babies will understand that her mommy is already tired

They will listen to her mostly the baby boy. He's close to her mom and whenever she say something to them he will obey and make her sister too. He doesn't want his Mom to get tired taking care of them

2 weeks pass and the babies seem normal like human babies, they're active mostly at night. Jungkook got busy on their business both in mafia and shipping company together with his brother but he takes turns from taking care of the babies every night

But when Jungkook gets sleepy at midnight while carrying his babies on the sofa. Lily will always be calm feeling safe by her father, she will close her eyes to sleep on his arms but Hyacinth is being playful, he will close his eyes too but when he gently put them down on the crib the moment he felt the soft mattress on his back he will open his eyes wide staring back at his dad

He will look at him like he just caught their dad doing some cheating, he will start giggling teasing Jungkook. He will shower him with lots of kisses and tell him to sleep like her sister

The twins can't sleep without each other so he made a huge crib for them aside from the bed inside the kids room

Taehyung woke up from a nap checking on them. She gets up from the bed straight to the nursery room to see what the twins are doing and most of the time she will catch Hyacinth making his dad more tired

"Hya... Please, go to sleep like your sister, daddy have a lot of work to do tomorrow"

Taehyung comes to her son kissing him on the cheek

Hyacinth will look at her mom and lay beside his twin obeying his mommy

"Kookie are you not going to sleep? You need to rest too"
She calls Jungkook with a sleepy voice

"They are already sleeping, come to bed Kookie, I want cuddles" she pouts dragging her husband to their room and Jungkook knows that they can leave them already


They get excited every time they are having a bath time, Taehyung having a hard time getting them out of the water though Jimin and Jinnie are with her helping with the twins while using their powers on water mindlessly

Hyacinth makes a water ball up in the air then makes it burst up to the ceiling making them all wet, Jinnie smiles seeing her niece learning to use his power

Though both of the babies have their feet from the start they can't be denied that they are half mermaids, the ability of them to breath underwater water even without gills on the side of their necks is incredible but changing their legs into tails are common though it takes much longer for them

"Hyacinth" Tae calling her son to stop making water balls, they are all wet now and she doesn't want to change her feet to a tail, her son mindlessly drying them like the power Hoseok has, every merman has it

"Good.. now you have to take a nap like your sister"

Hyacinth makes a grabby hands wants to hug her mommy. She lays him in the crib giving the milk bottle, he drinks it fast and drops it beside him when it's empty..he will watch his sister that is sleeping till he close his eyes taking a nap like her

Taehyung leaves them after making sure they already asleep, she goes to the kitchen preparing lunch for Jungkook she will deliver it to his office

After she finished packing it he asks Jimin to drives her to his office. He knows Jungkook didn't take his breakfast for running late this morning

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