Chapter 2

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Yoimiya sat in her seat waiting for class to start. She had all her Tuesday classes with Kokomi, and a few with Venti, including this one. She looked over at his desk and giggled about the fact he wasn't there. She knew exactly why. She looked next to Venti's desk to see another familiar desk open and she giggled. Their teacher, Mr. Ragnvindr, entered the classroom and began to speak. 

"Good Morning everyone. I hope your evening was alright. Now, take out your textbooks and turn to page 37. Today we will be taking individual," He stopped, putting emphasis on individual, and looked directly at Yoimiya. "notes." "You may begin-" Mr. Ragnvindr was cut off by the sound of the door flinging open.

Venti ran into the classroom and stopped in front of the class, Xiao ran in behind him and bumped into him. Xiao rubbed his head and whispered something no one heard before they turned to Mr. Ragnvindr. "Sorry for being late Mr. Ragnvindr. It won't happen again." Xiao said, apologizing on behalf of him and Venti. Mr. Ragnvindr rolled his eyes and responded, "Very well, but if I see anything. On the cameras when I look later, detention will be given." 

Venti and Xiao blushed madly before sitting in their seats. Kokomi sat next to Venti, so she elbowed him and smiled. Venti was still red before he whispered something to Kokomi. Her eyes widened and she quickly ripped a piece of paper out of her notebook to scribble. If she could scribble, of course. Kokomi's handwriting looked flawless no matter how carefree she felt. Kokomi looked away and placed a piece of paper on Yoimiya's desk. She raised her eyebrows before reading. 



Yoimiya looked up from the paper ecstatically and made eye contact with Venti. He smiled awkwardly, as he twisted his blue braids in his fingers. Yoimiya moved her head slightly to see Xiao, and when she did, he was completely red, blushing. Yoimiya smiled, happy that this finally happened for Venti. He had liked him for a while, he really did deserve it. 

All of Yoimiya's friends currently either had crushes or significant others, as for her, she wasn't interested in anyone at the moment. In fact, she wasn't very sure what gender she even liked. Kokomi and her made eye contact once again and they both smiled. 

As Yoimiya tried to listen to the class, she heard a chair shift in front of her. There a girl that Yoimiya knew as Suki sat next to another girl, a girl whose name was unknown to her. Suki passed a note to her friend and her friend gasped. She leaned over to Suki's desk as Mr. Ragnvindr's back was turned. Yoimiya perked her head up and tried to listen to the conversation in front of her. 

"Are you serious? The Kamisatos are coming here?" Her friend scream-whispered. Suki nodded. 

"Yeah, I know right! It seems impossible! They are super famous!" Suki scream-whispered. 

Yoimiya raised her eyebrows and looked around. Who were they talking about?

Oh well, didn't seem like her problem. She sat silently, tapping her pencil on the desk and waiting for the bell to ring. A few minutes before it did, Yoimiya heard her name called by Kokomi from next to her. 

"Yoimiya! Mr. Ragnvindr has been calling you." Kokomi said, pointing to the front of the room. 

"Yoimiya. Tell me, what exactly is one of the most vital organs in the body, while still being able to survive without two of them?" Mr. Ragnvindr asked her. 

Yoimiya answered back stating, "That would be a kidney sir!" She said happily. Mr. Ragnvindr raised his eyebrow slightly before turning back to the board. 

"Next lesson we are going to be covering-" Mr. Ragnvindr was interrupted by the bell, some students sighing with relief that his class was over. Everyone quickly got up and exited the room. 

Venti moved to the side of the hallway with Kokomi and Yoimiya, while Xiao went behind his friend, Eula. 

"GUYS! THIS IS THE BEST DAY EVER!" Venti squealed, as they walked to their next class. Unfortunately, this was the only class Yoimiya was not with either of her friends. She had gotten rather lucky to get Ms. Yae, while all her friends got Ms. Minci, but she preferred to be called Ms. Lisa. 

Her friends conversed about Venti's experience as they walked, other people passing by them visibly making eye contact with Venti. 

Yoimiya stopped at her classroom and waved to her friends before entering. Two empty desks were left, she took note of. One next to her, and one to the left of that one. Yoimiya sat in the middle of the classroom in this class, as Ms. Yae called on her a lot and liked her. 

She sat down in her seat and waited for class to begin. She took out the novel they were assigned to read in the class and stared blankly at the board. Yoimiya looked over at the girls next to her to see them whispering. 

Yoimiya heard a gasp and she looked to the front of the classroom and her eyes widened. In the front of the classroom stood a tall boy with blonde hair, a black shirt, a red jacket, and white jeans. 

However, Yoimiya's gaze was much more focused on the shorter girl that stood to the left of him. she had long blue hair that was tied up with a gray bow. She wore an extremely fluffy gray blouse full of ruffles, and a navy blue pleated skirt to complement it. The girl was wearing white knee highs and black dress shoes. Wow...

She's gorgeous... 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28, 2022 ⏰

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