FINAL | goodbye.

28 5 4

tw: mentions of blood

dear min yoong,

i'm not certain if my feelings and words will ever even reach you. but it doesn't matter. 

nothing i can say or do will change the view you have of her. 

this is why this letter will be my final one, my goodbye. 

when you came into my life, it felt like a blessing. i had never talked to you but seeing you in class and in the halls was enough.

you fulfilled my heart and made me happy.

that was until she came along. she charmed you with her smile, something i couldn't do. 

i tried telling myself that it's okay, i even tried to move on, however it was too late. 

my love for you is too deep.

you were everything to me min yoongi.

do you know the word 'chérie' ?

it means my love, it means favorite person.

that's what you were to me.

you were my love. the reason why i had the strength to get up in the morning. 

it hurt so much that i feel like my heart is about to explode. it's hard to breathe and i can hardly see anything while i'm writing you this letter.

so after you see this letter, i am officially leaving your life.

everything in my body is writhing in pain while i write this but I know i have to do this because i will only hurt myself if i don't.

i wish you all best luck.


as the girl was done reading over her letter, once last time, she walked closer to the edge. 

the wind brushed trough her hair, making her feel a sense of familiarity. 

she took another step foward, the now sealed letter clutched tightly in her hand. taking one last breath the girl closed her eyes and jumped. 

she could hear the wind, as she sped up, her body hitting the ground. 

a loud sound was heard, and everything was over. the letter still clutched in her hand as blood pooled and tainted it red. 

farewell, cherié.


a/n: i revamped Cherie finally and gave it a different ending. It's very different from the one before but I felt like this one made way more sense

As the story progresses we get to see how obsessed y/n is with yoongi, her love not healthy at all. 

i know making her end up in suicide is tragic but i think it portrays well how crazy love can make a person once it turns into obsession.

Please remember that once again none of the actions portrayed here apply to yoongi.

thanks for reading the revamped version of Cherie <3


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