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A/N okay, here's the first chapter for the sequel. Let me know what you think!! Also check out the Q&A book please, i'd really appreciate if you did! Hope you like it! It may be awhile before I can update again, I do have other stories. This one will probably be updated once a week, depending (Maybe more). I'll write what I can when I can.


"Clarke? Are you in here?" Lydia calls out into the empty apartment. For the third time that month Clarke had disappeared. Normally, she would escape back to her and Lexa's apartment, but this time, she wasn't there. "Dammit Clarke, where are you?" She curses to herself. She calls Abby.

"Clarke left again," she says, looking at the clock. It's four in the morning.

She hears Abby sigh into the phone. "Just, wait, she'll come home, if not soon, then we will go search for her. She needs time alone still." Lydia hangs up. She takes the opportunity to look around, and heads into Lexa's old bedroom. When she sees the walls, guilt fills her. She shakes it off and leaves.


Its been three disastrous, overwhelming months for Clarke. For weeks she had hoped that what she felt with Lexa would only be infatuation, but the ache in her heart proved otherwise. She was hurting. Bad. She hadn't slept in weeks, barely eaten anything. If she did, she would throw it up almost instantly. Not even Lexi could cheer her up, but she did make Clarke feel a little better. Every memory of every kiss was etched in her brain on replay, and it made her feel even worse. By the second month she'd damn near run out of tears.

At first, she wanted Lexa to think she had remembered everything. Calling and whispering 'Raspberry Girl' on the phone had made Lexa's heart flip. But she was in Italy. She couldn't just up and leave. Then Lexa noticed how Clarke wouldn't say anything about the lies, or her being in Italy, or anything. That was when Clarke came clean.

Clarke had only lost her memory for a few days. When it came back, she made a plan. She wanted to convince Lexa to go to Italy with Costia, because it was the right thing to do. There were so many opportunities that Lexa had with Costia, that she would never have with Clarke. If you love her, set her free. If she come back, it's meant to be. But Lexa wasn't coming back.

As soon as Clarke told her, she stopped calling, texting, skyping. Letters no longer came in the mail. Clarke knew though, that Lexa was happier with Costia. The loss of communication was for the best. Yet, she still called Lexa all the time.

"Lexa. There isn't much else I can say, and this is going to be the last time I call you and leave you a message. I'm on the roof, our spot on top of the apartments. It's beautiful, but without you, it's nothing. I realized when you left that you were taking more than just luggage. You took my heart too. I don't know what I was thinking Lex. I can't be without you, it hurts so much. Maybe you understand, maybe you don't. At least you have Costia. Speaking of her. I found something out yesterday at my last check up with the hospital. On the bridge, there was a camera, and it was able to pick up footage of the accident. Another car ran me off the road Lexa. it was Costia.Goodbye, we won't meet again."

She sent the voice message and then with as much force, anger, emotion as possible, threw her phone into the city.


Lexa had refused to listen to any of Clarke's voicemails. She didn't delete them though, but she didn't want to hear them. They would normally come every other day, and there were always constant text messages. However, between now and the last voicemail, there had been a huge time gap. A whole week. Maybe she had given up. Lexa didn't want her too though. When she tried to call her back, it said the number was no longer in service. It worried her, so she sent a message to Abby just to make sure she was okay. Abby said physically, she was fine, but mentally, she was broken. A mess.

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