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'Yes, Princess.'

"Stealth," I said as I hid behind a huge rock near a tree. Taking up a few seconds to catch my breath, I faced Fenrir.

'I need you to transform into your middle form' I said to him in my thoughts. If he transforms, we might have a chance on getting away from the wolf. The problem is...

'What?! No!! It's dangerous!! You do know transforming to forms other than this cute one takes a lot of mana, right? You just recently awakened and your planning on drawing more mana than your body can take?!  That's suicide!!!'

'I know but do we have a choice? I can't think of anything else! I don't have any attack spells as of this moment... I didn't think something like this would happen.' I said impatiently. My mind really won't work... How am I supposed to escape from that thing? The only spells I learned wouldn't be of much help. This is the only chance we got.

Hesitation appeared in his eyes. I know his worries. I too doubt this plan of mine but I got to try all that I have... I got this far already. I won't let some wolf hinder my plans!

'Please, Fenrir... I can regulate drawing mana to sustain you're middle form for at least a few minutes. That should be enough to get away from that animal.' I persuaded him, looking into his eyes. Please, just this once...

'... Fine. I doubt this will work but I'll try... Don't die on me, understood?' Smiling brightly, I vigorously nodded my head. I inhaled deeply and closed my eyes while steadily drawing out mana. Opening my eyes, I saw Fenrir's middle form. A majestic gray wolf. Concentrating on managing my mana, I climbed into his back. 

'Princess, are you ready?' Readying himself to run, he asked me. I took deep breaths and commanded him.


Trees and plants disappeared and formed a line due to how fast we ran and just in time, my stealth spell also disappeared. I could feel the rabid predator coming for us again. Calming myself, I focus on regulating my mana as Fenrir ran even faster. I hoped we could get out of here safely... please... 

Turning left in an attempt to get away from the creature, we saw light ahead. I didn't expect anything this time. I learned a lesson the first time. 

'Come on, Fenrir. Faster...' Please... It's getting harder to concentrate now... Ugh, It's only been a minute and I'm experiencing symptoms of mana reflux... There's a growing, burning sensation in my heart and stabbing pain at the same time...

My hands are turning cold. I am sweating profusely and it's getting harder to breathe. Still, I tried my best to focus and regulate my mana, continuing to hold out for as long as I can. Fenrir probably noticed my condition as he's running more and faster. 

'Princess... Please hold out for a little longer, we're almost there..!' Fenrir's voice echoed through my head but I can't understand him. His voice is all gibberish... I'm getting dizzy... 

'Princess? Princess! please don't fall asleep! Princess!!' I can feel his panic but I can't understand his words.. ugh, forget it... I bowed my head and tried my best to sustain his form. He needs to keep running... We need to escape...





I kept counting in my head in an attempt to focus. The pain in my chest grew even stronger. I can barely breathe... I am soaking in my cold sweat and my hand clenched Fenrir's fur. It's still there... It's coming for us... It's chasing us... I groaned in pain and clenched my teeth. Please run faster... 

A momentary distraction drained the hope I have left. Everything slowed down as I flew across the air. I saw the clear blue sky above the trees. It's the sight I've always dreamed of enjoying... You really won't let me be happy, huh? Why? Did I ever do something to you? All I want is to live peacefully... I wished, dreamed, and hoped for that moment all my life... Is that so hard to grant..? 

I landed on the ground a few meters away from the black wolf. Fenrir is nowhere to be seen and I lay on the forest ground unmoving. I am exhausted and in pain, both physically and emotionally. The wolf inched his way towards me with eyes set on its prey... Me. My vision blurred and I can barely keep my eyes open. 

I could make out the wolf preparing to launch itself at me. Readying himself to attack. I resigned myself to fate. It seems I couldn't escape... Thinking so, I slowly closed my eyes but befor losing conciousness, white light engulfed my whole world...

And I blacked out.


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