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Hurried footsteps brought me back from the memory. I looked at where the sound was and saw Darren. I stood up in front of the princess, intending to fulfill what my brother said. Darren looked shocked at the sight before him.

"T-this..." Darren tried to step closer but stopped as I warned him cruelly.

"Take a step and I'll fucking kill you, Traitor..." I glared at him as I clenched my fists. He looked at me with a pained expression as he clenched his fists around the sword he brought. He pursed his lips tightly as if trying to say something.

"... T-this isn't what we want... This can't be happening... Our orders weren't like this..." Darren mumbled something before mindlessly taking a step forward. I was about to launch an attack but a slender hand stopped me. I looked behind me and stared at the disarrayed reflection of the princess. Several things differed from the Princess I saw hours ago. Dust and debris clung to her messed-up hair. Her dress was torn from the creature's attacks... But... It was the Princess' eyes that caught my attention. Her eyes which were full of raging emotions now looked empty, like a bottomless pit. Dark and empty. Gone were the bright and fiery emotions she displayed hours and even mere minutes ago. All that was left was emptiness.

" Speak clearly, Knight." The Princess calmly said. So calm that it felt unnerving. As if... she wasn't the one speaking... "What brought you here." Her serene voice echoed in the ruins making it sound distant and eery. Darren looked up with a dazed expression, his grip on his sword weakened and he answered the princess' question without fuss.

"... It's the Emperor, your Father's orders, Your Highness. He told us to bring you to him." The Princess took a step forward as she probed even more out of Darren.

"... Then, was all this a part of your orders? To destroy Steros and forcefully bring me back in Mortem?" Darren looked ahead dazedly as the Princess calmly questioned him. Darren didn't answer for quite some time before muttering an incoherent "No..".

" ... "

She turned around and collapsed right in front of my brother. "Princess?!" I exclaimed. She breathed raggedly while clenching her fists on the ground. Darren also collapsed and tried to catch his breath... What in the world happened..?

"Y-you're Highness..! Please come with us! I beg you...!" Darren pleaded as he protracted himself onto the ground. The Princess looked at Darren silently seemingly contemplating. Darren saw her actions as an opportunity and he pleaded even more vigorously. "Please! I-I beg of you, Your Highness..! My sister's life is at stake... I-if I don't bring you to the Emperor then-!"

"Alright." I turned my head abruptly at the princess. I was sure she would decline. There is nothing in the world that she wanted than to escape. Isn't that the reason why she's here..? In Steros?!

"Princess, what in the world are you--" I tried to make sense of what she was saying but she only chuckled softly. I was at a loss for words. She's acting just like my brother had... I clenched my fists once more and took a step towards her. "Princess. I made a promise to my brother. I promised to protect whoever it is I blame and I blame you for everything that happened. I can't let you go into that godforsaken place..! Even if it means I have to be forceful."

" Nevan." The Princess's voice echoed in my ears but I refused to listen. I dragged her away from Darren trying to convince her not to put herself in danger as it meant breaking my brother's will.

" Nevan..." She called out to me again and still... I dragged her further. I don't understand her. Why is she like this..? Why are you acting like my brother..?

" Nevan Castellanos." Her final call made me stop. I faced her and saw that she was unwavering. My heart sank. Just like how it did with my brother's conversation. "You wanted to protect me, right? Because it's the Archduke's last wish?" She asked as I remained silent. She sighed as she continued, "Then if that is what you wanted, let me go back. That is the only way for me to be safe." I remained silent.

"Why..? Why are you being like this? There is no way you would be safe going back into the capital. Much less if it's that bastard's palace! I don't understand you... Both you and my brother... Why are you bother doing this to me..?" Tears gushed out of my eyes. It looks like I won't be able to keep my promise, Brother... The Princess only chuckled softly as she patted my back.

" What can I say..? Maybe that's why we get along so well?" She sighed and I tried to stop my tears. "Why are you crying? You're older than me but you act like a child... " I only heard the princess' voice as I wiped my tears away. I sighed.

"Then, Princess, I promise to protect you from now on. At least I'll try my best to uphold my promise to Brother." I swore those words before bowing my head to the Princess. The Princess smiled before accepting what I said.

"Then, Nevan Castellanos, Knight Commander of the Holy Knights, I look forward to your service."

"As you wish, Your Highness"

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