
4K 90 86

North Carolina, United States
November 30th — 9:49am

The open windows across the marble kitchen countertop were one of Sapnap's favorite features of Karl's home. The glow adorned across the glassy top shone in a glimmer, casting the entire kitchen space in a reflection of gold. Karl's home felt like his home, and even though he had only been in North Carolina for a mere week, he had become completely familiar with its warm atmosphere.

After Sapnap left- rather escaped from Karl's room, he decided to make himself busy over the stovetop. He knew where everything was, and after what he just did, or, correction- what he didn't do, he thought he'd do the bare minimum of cooking breakfast.

The bacon sizzled on the pan, the kettle whirred away as the water inside began to heat. Everything seemed entirely normal inside the house. It seemed like a typical morning, in a typical house between lovers.

Except it wasn't.

It wasn't long until the taller boy came out, bed hair now tamed, his pajamas were replaced by a new shirt and pair of jeans, and his cheeks were still dusted a rosy pink from his earlier mishaps. The taller boy didn't even spare the boy a glance as he waltzed into the room, instead slowly making his way round to do what he normally did every morning, and open the curtains that covered the window above the dining room table.

Sapnap felt uncomfortable, just a tad. The silence that hung around the room wasn't overbearingly uncomfortable, just tense. And awkward.

"Hey.." Sapnap started, breaking the taut silence, hands still working the bacon through the grease on the pan.

At the sound of Sapnap's voice, Karl finally looked his way, a soft smile plastered against his lips. The shorter boy was almost taken aback. No reaction from the other boy at all felt rather odd, and Sapnap would've even considered the older boy's borderline smirk suspicious had he not seen the soft grin every other morning.

But what Sapnap failed to notice was Karl's vindictive sparkle to his gray eyes. One that held malicious intent.

"Morning." Karl greeted warmly, "You making breakfast?" He questioned light-heartedly, a ghost of a smile pulling at his lips. Sapnap hummed in confirmation, eyeing the boy carefully as he walked behind the kitchen. "Smells good." He smiled.

"Mm.." Sapnap hummed, he found it rather odd the way Karl was acting, not like it was very much different to how he usually is in the morning, but he thought there would've been more of a reaction after what happened between the sheets.

Sapnap watched as Karl made his way over to the kettle, grabbing a mug from one of the top shelves and placing on top the marble countertop as he waited for the water to boil.

"I thought you'd be mad." Sapnap spoke up after a moment, a simple attempt at a conversation.

Karl huffed out a short laugh, "Mad?" he questioned, not bothering to turn to talk to the other man.

Sapnap shrugged, "Not mad I guess," He corrected, looking over his shoulder once more, "but a little ticked off."

At that Karl whirled around, "About what?" he asked, brows furrowed in an almost playful manner.

Sapnap grinned to himself internally, "You know.. how I left you." He told the taller man.

"Oh no, I'm not mad." Karl denied, shaking his head lightly.

Sapnap seemed surprised at that. He wasn't mad he left him hard like that? Because if Karl did that to him, he'd make sure the other boy couldn't walk for weeks. "No?"

"Nope. Not at all." Karl shrugged casually, seeming completely nonchalant about the entire situation, as he leaned back against the countertop.

Sapnap frowned, "And why's that?" He asked.

Karl grinned, almost as if he wanted the shorter boy to ask that. Casually he pushed himself off the countertop, stalking his way over to the raven haired boy.

"I'm just chill like that." He said playfully, to which Sapnap simply chuckled, turning back to cook the rest of the bacon. "Plus, I think it's a good idea." Karl chirped up again.

Sapnap's brow's raised, "Oh?"

"Yeah," Karl murmured, and then suddenly he was pressed against the other boy's back. "I mean I was a little skeptical.." He confessed.

Sapnap felt Karl's breath fan against the back of his neck, it sent shivers across the flesh of his back, made his nerves spike and stomach flutter with an overwhelming surge of euphoria.

"But just thinking about it," he continued. Sapnap felt hands trail across his shoulders in a therapeutic roll, felt hands dip with delicate ease as they ran across tight muscles, felt hands slowly slide down his chest and abdomen. Sapnap had no choice but to melt into the older boy, they melted together like vanilla infused candles, "thinking about you." Karl whispered against the shell of his ear.

Karl's hand's slithered down the front of Sapnap's abdomen, one hand planting firmly against his hip, the other gliding further and further south until the taller boy finally could feel him grope his erection. "The way I can watch you, come apart under my finger tips until you're begging to fuck me.. will all be worth it."

Sapnap's breath hitched in the depths of his throat, felt the oxygen freeze in his lungs, felt his arousal build as Karl fondled his dick. The younger man dwelled in it, dwelled in the blissful feeling of Karl touching him. Sapnap's eyes fell shut subconsciously, hands lost their clear objective as the bacon sat forgotten in the pan.

Karl watched with an undeniably smug grin, smack bang across his face. The taller boy felt victorious as his hand slowly worked Sapnap's erection through his sweats. "Besides, how can I be mad when I've got you just as hard?" He sung.

To his horror, Sapnap finally noticed what had just happened, and it seemed like at that second he only just realized how truly painful the erection was between his legs.

Karl smirked, his lips taunting the shorter boy mockingly. "Thanks for the breakfast." He chirped happily into the other boy's neck with a smile, before swiftly connecting his lips with the shorter boy's cheek in a chasthesised mess of a kiss.

Karl practically skipped out of the kitchen, munching on the hot piece of bacon he stole as he retreated back to his room, leaving Sapnap behind the stove with nothing but burnt bacon and a raging boner.




boner broz

also question, do yall have electric kettles or those ones you boil on the stove? or if you dont have a kettle, which, weird, what do you use to make coffee???

sorry for such a long wait between updates.. i promise ill be more consistent over this story :]

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