Chapter 2: Prologue pt. 2

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I woke up with a terrible headache and feeling extremely cold. What happened?..


That's right.. we were gonna go to the ultimate building but it was in pieces. No one knew why and we were all outside. But then I got hit and blacked out. So what happened when I was out? And why can't I hear anyone?

I look up at the light above me. It was overly bright to the point I had to squint my eyes. Wait.. if we were outside when I blacked out.. why was I now in a room with a bright light? And where is everyone? Maybe I should go and look for them.. but when I tried to get up, I realized something was terrible wrong..

I couldn't move my body at all.

I tried to wiggle a bit but all I could get was my arm out before the restraints around my body tightened. What the hell is happening? Is this some kind of sick prank? If it is, they're taking it way too far for it to be funny. Just then I suddenly heard something.

"Hello? Is anyone there?" Someone said. I knew immediately from that voice, that it was T'avanni. At least I wasn't alone in this situation anymore, he was here too. "Hello? T'avanni? Is that you?" I said almost shouting. If this was a prank, why on us?

"Nico? Is that you? Do you know what's happening? Are you tied up too?" T'avanni asked. So he was tied up like me too. "Yea it's me, I'm tied up too. I blacked out so I don't know anything about this. Are you ok?" I respond back. He doesn't know what's happening either. This is really a sick prank. "I'm ok, I can't move anything but my arms. I tried to get out but these restraints won't mov-"

Suddenly.. we both heard a phone ring.

"Is that your phone, T'avanni?" I asked. Maybe he could call the police or something.

"That is my phone." He said grabbing the phone. But when he looked at it, it wasn't his phone. Instead it was someone else's phone and we both had no clue who's it was. Before he could answer the phone, it answered for itself.

"The puzzle game may now begin. T'avanni and Nico. You must find the key in this room to escape. If you can't do this before the timer ends, the devices under your bed activate and you will simply burn to death. You have 5 minutes before this happens. There is only one key for both locks. Please enjoy this fun game"

...what the hell!?! Puzzle game!?! Devices under our beds that will burn us to death if we dont escape before the timer. What the fucking hell!?!

"Alright Nico, don't panic. Let's just check our pockets and around us." T'avanni said calmly. I don't understand how he was so calm. We could die if we don't hurry up! I decided to just hurry and check around me. T'avanni checked his pockets and next to him and nothing.. no keys at all near him.

"I found the key!" I shouted. I had also felt a small piece of paper in my pocket but was too worried about finding the key. I put the key in the lock and we both heard a click that unlocked my restraints. I quickly took the restraints off myself and got up. "Now to get you out" I said walking towards him. When I tried to open the lock that kept his restraints, the key was too big. "What the hell?" I tried again. And again. And again. No use each time. Instead it scratched up the key badly.

"Look around nico, maybe there's something to help out." T'avanni said. But when I did that, all I saw was my bed, a 4-digit lock next to a door, some numbers scattered across the room, and a piece of sand paper attached to the wall. What the hell do I do with a fucking sand paper? I looked at the key and then back at the sand paper. Maybe if I scratch it up, it will open it up.

"2 minutes remaining"

I quickly scratched the key with the sand paper and ran over to T'avanni bed. I put the key in the lock and it clicked! I helped him get out his restraints quickly and looked at the numbers.

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