ch.2 the boy in my dream

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"jazmin! Wake up. We're here" i heard Chris say. As i ggot out of the car i almost fell over, my house was HUGE!! immediately i ran inside and saw that we had 8 bedrooms, aan game room/theater, and a massive pool. Perfect for parties. When i got to my room i was thrilled that i was the only one with a room on the 2nd floor. As soon, as i sat down on my bed, i was out. Must be the jetlag. During my dream i dreamed about a boy with curly brown hair, deep chocolate brown eyes, and a smile that could make you melt :) when i finally woke up it was 6:00 AM and i grabbed my skateboard and skated out the door trying to shake the thought of the boy in my dream. Just thinking about him made me smile, oh those eyes, and the smi- BAM! I hit a pole "smoothe real smoothe jazmin" i whispered to myself as i felt a warm hand on my shoulder "hey, im kian. Do you need some help? That was a pretty bad fall" "uh... Y- yeah sure" ugh i mentally facepalmed myself. Why did he have to be so cute?! He was perfect, his jawline was amazing and he had a smile like the boy in my dream. Great. 2 guys on my mind. As kian carried me inside a house, which i assumed was his, he set me down on a bar stool and came down with a package of band-aids. As he was placing it on my knee i started to blush like crazy, i think he noticed cause he was staring at me. Talk about awkward. When i started to walk out the door he grabbed my wrist and pulled my back and said "hey um uh i lost my number and was wondering if i could borrow yours?" "cheesy pickup line, but ok" we exchanged phones, and when i got home i got a text from 'kiki <3'

From kiki<3: hey! Wanna hang tomorrow at my house? You can also meet my friends :)

To kiki <3: ok sounds good! What time?

From kiki <3: 12:00 see ya then <3

Ahhhh my summer was starting out pretty good

A/N: hey guys! This is my first fanfic. Sorry if its not good, I'll improve, if u want to be in the story, or have any ideas just leave em' in the comments below :) luv u guys

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