3 A visit from hell

87 8 14

Tw: Derealization, mentions of dead peole

Unknown place
Unknown time

Tw, Derealisation

(Unknown pov)

I ran.
There had to be something here! There had to be! I had to find where I know these strange things from too. How did I know this other language? What is the language? And what relevance did a spider and a pigman have to me?
Then I slowed.
Who am I? Am I even alive? Am I dead? Is this all a dream? What is my name? Age? Gender? Pronouns? My family? Friends?
I remember that word. I used it for a close friend.
Platonic husband.
I was Platonicly married to someone. Who? Who do I know?
Or is this all not real? Are my surroundings fake? What does that even mean? What does any of this mean? What is a meaning?
I ran and ran.
"ARGH!" I yelled, mad at myself. I ran. I hit something. No, not something, someone.
I person in purple and black with a sad face mask smiled at me.
"Hello Ranboo." He said.


The park

(Wilbur pov)

"So, what do you think?" I smiled.
Techno just gave me a look.
"Wilbur... you put a leaf... next to a twig..." Techno said.
"I am the twig, you are the leaf." I said.
"I bet the twig is smarter than you..."
"HEY!" I yelled. "I'll let that slide."
"Why am I here?" Techno asked bored.
"I sneak into the libary, then you sneak in, then we go look for books on death." I said. "But we are both banned from the libary so don't get seen."
"You are the reason we are banned."
"I didn't know setting off fireworks in a libary was wrong!"
Techno sighed. "Wilbur... what is we ask Tubbo and Tommy to get out some books for us?" He asked, holding the bridge of his nose.
"Oh..." I gasped. "OH! THAT IS A MUCH BETTER IDEA!"
A random kid in Purple looked at us.
"Beat it." I said.
He left.
"Moron..." Techno sighed.
"Anyway, what books did you say you needed?" I asked.
"I need to find out more about the revival book. I heatd about when we where in the library before it got crushed. No one knew where it was kept, and I intend to find it."
"What if it was in the library?"
"It isn't. I saw something that said it had been moved from their for the greater good."
We sat down and thought.
I spoke up. "How you tried asking Dream?"

We arrived at Dream's. Him and George answered.
"Techno? Wilbur?" Dream asked.
"Dream, what do you know about the revival book?" Techno asked, a shadow over his face.

Dream's room

(Techno pov)

Tw, mentions of dead people

"How do you know about the revival book?" Dream asked.
"I read about when we where at the library. I also stole this book on it." I heald up the book.
"You- You stole from me?" Dream asked.
"Yes, but that doesn't matter right now. We need to get our hands on the book!"
"Why do you need it anyway?" Dream snapped.
"I don't think you've noticed, but Tubbo has been crying every night about Ranboo's death. You know what he was like before. We don't want him to end up back there."
Dream bit his lip. He sighed. "I understand. But not just anyone can use the book."
"It was made by a family with a curse. Only people with magic are able to use it. Out of our group, that is me, Tommy, Tubbo and Karl." Dream explained. "To use the book, you need some of us to do it."
"Well you're right here!" Wilbur said. "You can help us!"
"Whoa! Who said I was helping?" Dream snapped. "I am not helping you!"
"Why?" I asked.
"Messing with the living and dead is messy! We could get in a lot of trouble."
"Please?" George asked. "We have to help our friends."
Dream bit his lip again. "Fine. But we need the book and his body."
"His body?" George asked, grossed out. "Yuck! A dead body!"
"He is an enderman, his body doesn't rote for at least 12 years." Dream said. He grabbed a side bag. "The book is burried undergroud. It is belived to be under my garden."

I am here :D
Nice to see yall
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See you soon my Blazes! Have a great day/night!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28, 2022 ⏰

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