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YOONGI GENTLY DRAPED a blanket over rian's sleeping form. he let out a small sigh and stepped out of the room for a moment. taking his phone out of his pocket, he sent seokjin a text that they needed to talk soon. he needed someone to talk to about everything and his best friend was his go to.

it was late into the night already and yoongi was exhausted but he couldn't seem to fall asleep. there was just far too much on his mind. he heaved a deep sigh, chest rising and falling visibly with the action. he glanced around. the hospital hallway had an eerie atmosphere this late at night with barely anyone around and he found it somewhat disconcerting.

he slipped back inside after a few minutes, unable to stand the discomforting feeling the semi-dark space gave him. his gaze flickered to rian huddled on the small sofa in the room and he smiled softly.

moving quietly, he plopped down on a chair next to haneul's bed. he really wanted to get some sleep after the longest day of his life, but needed his mind to actually be quiet for that to happen. he leaned back in the chair and closed his eyes, hoping for a miracle.


the small voice jolted him and he sat up, eyes snapping open. "haneul?" he looked over at her and saw her eyes were slightly open. he heaved a sigh of relief, taking her hand in his. "you're here, daddy." she said drowsily, her lips curved in a lazy smile. "yes, i am." he smiled back. "i'm here so you can go back to sleep now. thank you for opening your eyes for me." he engulfed her small hand in both of his, leaning his head against their clasped hands.

"what about the cake?" she asked and his chuckle was one of amusement and relief. "we can go next time. don't worry. just go back to sleep." he assured her. "okay," she attempted to nod and he beamed at her. "goodnight, daddy."

"goodnight, sunflower." and that was all it took for yoongi to finally fall asleep.


"ugh," yoongi groaned as he lifted his head, his back and neck feeling sore from the uncomfortable position he had slept in. something fell off his shoulders when he straightened and he glanced back to see that it was a blanket. he didn't remember using one last night.

when he looked around, he saw that rian was no longer in the room. he got on his feet, stretching his body to work out the kinks he could feel. stretching and rolling his aching neck, he only stopped after hearing the satisfying crack. he continued to stretch the rest of his body, feeling a dull ache at the base of his spine.

he looked down at his watch and saw that it was eight in the morning. another tired groan fell from his lips. he'd barely gotten four hours of sleep. what he needed now was a cup of coffee to fully wake him. he didn't know how good hospital coffee would be though, and he wasn't exactly thrilled to find out.

the door slid open and he looked up to find rian walking in with two cups of coffee—that thankfully did not seem to be hospital coffee—in her hands. "good morning," she smiled, taking him in. "good morning," he replied, rubbing the inner corners of his eyes. "here, hoseok got us coffee." she handed him a cup. "it's an americano." she added. "thank you." he smiled graciously, taking a quick sip.

it was quiet as the two drank their coffees, slowly waking up. yoongi noticed how rian kept glancing at him like she wanted to say something but didn't know how to broach the topic. he smiled to himself when she looked towards him again and pressed her lips in a line. "you can just say it, you know." he glanced over at her from where he now stood by the window.

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