CHAP. 1: Marking Down the Date

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It was a clouded, foggy evening. The cool air brushed by a tailor's shop, ringing the small entrence bell. Inside stood Mr. Tibbs, adjusting a blue bow-tie.

"How does it fit?" Said an employee outside of his stall.

"Oh, it's great! Thank you, again, for letting me rent this out." He replied, turning around. He faced the mirror in the stall with a sigh.

"Gosh, I haven't looked this nice since my last date..when.." John muttered, then paused.

"Mr. Tibbs, I'm in no way rushing you, but didn't you mention you had a date just about now?" Inturupted the employee on the other side of the door. This broke John out of his trance.

"Shit! What time is it?"

"7:50, sir"

"I'm supposed to be there by 8! I'm never going to be there in time!" John cried out.

"Well, if you need, I could call a cab here while you check out."

"Really?" John asked with sincerety, "That would be the best!"

Running out to the front desk, John handed his card to the cashier. He made sure to give the employee an extra tip. Once he was finished, a cab pulled up to the shop. John checked his watch - 7:54. At this rate, there was no way he would be punctual. If the driver went as fast as they could, he'd still be 5 or so minutes late. Nonetheless, John entered the taxi, giving the driver the directions to the restaurant.

After 15 minutes or so, John rushed out of the taxi, entering the building. It towered over him, and made him feel small. Once he entered, he looked over to find his date, waiting on the bench with a marker next to him. Phew, at least they didn't have to wait 30 minutes for a table.

"I am so sorry I'm late, eh, Hooty..was it?"

Hooty sat in a tiny, doll sized house, with straps on the back, with only his face pearing out.

"Hey, John! Hoot hoot!" He greeted, stretching his neck out to John with a smile. "I don't mind you being late. It's only, what, by 10 minutes? Hoot!"

John chuckled, rubbing the back of his head. "Yeah, I suppose so."

"Hooty, table for 2!" A waitress called out.

"That's us!" Hooty said with enthusiasm. "Oh boy! I'm so excited! Hoot!"

They both made their way to the table, following the waitress. John pulled out a seat for Hooty before taking his own. He scooted it foward. The palms of his hands, grazing the fine wood, were sweaty with anxiety. Mr. Tibbs gulped.

"So, tell me a bit about yourself, Tibbs!" Hooty started, with a warm smile - at least, as warm as an owl's smile could look.

"Well, I'm a retired veteran. I served in the army for a while. Afterwards, I persued a career in teaching. Started down in Georgia." John chuckled.

"So that's what that accent is! Hoot!" Hooty giggled. Mr. Tibbs looked down, almost embarrassed. Hooty saw this, ceasing his laughter. "Oh, I'm sorry, that must've sounded rude."

John looked back up. He seemed sincere about his apology.

"It's fine." He responded. An awkward silence followed. Neither of the two could maintain eye contact. Luckily, their waitress came up to their table with menus.

"I"m so sorry for the wait, we had to find some extra menus, we seemed to be out!" The lady chuckled. "The kids seem to love stealing this. No idea why!"

"Thank you, kindly, ma'am." Mr. Tibbs took the menus, sliding one across the table. He was thanking her for breaking the tension between him and his date.

"Could I start you off with some drinks?" The lady asked, pulling a notebook and pen out.

John took a quick look at the drink menu. "I'll just have a water."

"You can just skip me, hoot! I need to use the men's room." Hooty stood up, hopping over to the restrooms.

"Alright then, I'll come back around here to take his drink order. I'll get your drink in a moment, sir."

"Thank you, again." Said Mr. Tibbs. Just a minute later, the waitress brought him his water. He took a sip, relieving the dryness in his throat. This date wasn't going quite as he expected. This Hooty fellow seemed nice, however, so Mr. Tibbs decided to stay.

10 minutes went by, and Mr. Tibbs was just finishing his water. Hooty was nowhere to be seen. Had he ditched him? Mr. Tibbs got up, walking over to the restrooms to investigate.

When he entered the men's room, a tall, green entity stood at the sink with a phone to his ear. As Mr. Tibbs stares, the owl turns to him, and the two lock eyes.

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