CHAP. 2 : An Unlikely Duo (lingo)

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Mr. Tibbs stared at the giant green owl at the sink. The phone to his ear rang a flat tone. The Owl hung up with a sigh.

"I'm sorry, John, Hooty left."

"Huh? What do you mean? Who are you?" John asked, with a puzzled expression. He was still captured by the owl's rosy-red eyes.

"I'm Duolingo. I was..Hooty's wingman. Eh- no pun intended, of course!" Duolingo chuckled.

"Ah, well, it's nice to meet you, Duolingo. But..what do you mean he left? Did he ditch me?"

"I'm afraid so. He hopped through the window up there. I've called him 6 times, but he's yet to answer. I'm so sorry you had to find out like this."

"Well," John inched closer to Duolingo, with a solumn look, "It's better that I was told this than sitting there for another hour. Thank you."

A moment of silence fell onto the two. Mr. Tibbs' hand seemed to place itself onto Duo's wing. Butterflies filled both of their stomachs. It was truly a magical moment.

"Oh! Um, well, since your date flunked on you, do you need any money? To pay for your tab, as an apology." Duo spoke as he reached for his wallet.

"No need, I only got to order a water, but that's awfully kind of you to offer."

"Well then, let me take you out for coffee. I want to make this up to you somehow!"

"No no, you're fine, don't worry about it!" John replied, playfully elbowing Duolingo.

The two of them chuckled, fighting for the opportunity to take one another out. Mr. Tibbs almost forgot about the sinking feeling in his chest from Hooty leaving.


A couple of hours passed, and John was in his bed. He stared at his phone, wondering what to message his new friend. Duo and him had given each other their numbers before leaving. John didn't want Duo to have to send the first message, so he'd been up for the past half hour thinking. His phone dinged.

"Hello! This is John, right? Wanna make sure I have the right number lol"

Shit, looked like his chance was over.

"Hey Duo! Yep, it's Tibbs here. What's up?"

"I wanted to invite you out to coffee"
"To make up for tonight lmao"

Mr. Tibbs paused. Was he seriously about to go on a coffee date with a guy he met in the bathroom? It didn't seem like such a bad idea..not after his date stood him up.

"Sure! Time and place?"

Mr. Tibbs impatiently waited for a response. Although he persisted, his eyelids grew heavier and heavier. He yawned as he set his phone down on the wooden night stand next to his bed.
A simple sound was the last thing he heard before drifting off to sleep.


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09, 2022 ⏰

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