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A shiver of fear crept onto his back till his spine. He felt two dark hazel eyes pierce a hole of darkness in his back, creating a empty circle. It felt so intense he felt like he wanted to vomit immediately, whatever this feeling was (if you would even call it a feeling), he could not even desribe it in words.

"Who's.. who's here? Get out, please!"
He whimpered in fright, cuddling his pillow tightly as his tv continued playing his favorite music that his group had produced with hard work and effort;TXT.

The music also had a dark lyrics to it, making it seem as if it was planned for this night. Everything felt so off, Lee know felt as if someone was there in his living room enjoying the way he was reacting. But that didn't stop him from creating a scene. However, little did he know, someone was there to stop him..

He screamed. Yet, no one responded. Instead, a beautiful glass vase that he had saved up for was smashed right next to him:causing small pieces of glass flying everywhere like particles of dust.

A few seconds later, he heard a grunt. A deep one. He sounded like a man, his voice husky and extremely deep. He didn't know what to say, a man with ruby red horns and a sleek black suit appeared out of thin air as he fixed his tie.

"W-...what?!" He screamed in horror as the man looked at him before letting out a sigh of frustration. He seemed to be... annoyed.

"Stop looking at me, bitch. I'm only here for something. Some.. fun~"
It was the last part that really threw him off. What did he mean by that? How did he even get here? What does he want? Why is he so hot- nevermind that.

"What type of... fun?" He questioned not even worried about how that man came into his house, more like broke in if he was even a human. Doesn't seem like it though.

"Have you ever had sex? Or are you a virgin, hm?" He questioned. Leeknow couldn't think nor speak, his jaw was left hanging on the ground. How could he not feel embarrassed? Why is he so straight forward?

"Who even are you? And... and who gave you permission to get in my house?" He asked, determined to receive a answer from the stranger he some how found extremely... attractive.

"Whatever, can you bend over? I need to cum in a hole. A hole I want to fuck endlessly" he smirked viciously, sending several cold shivers down the confused boys spine.

"Excuse- wha... excuse m-"

"No. Do as i say," he said, yet he continued to add more to frighten the poor boy.

"Im not in the mood for a sassy whore like you to decline my order, it's annoying." He spat vemon with each individual syllable as Leeknow cowered into the corner    -afraid he might get hurt.

"Aw, is the kitten scared? Are you going to hiss at me?" the demon snickered as clear crystals sprang awake from minhos glistening eyes and made its way to his pink cheeks (that he wanted to pinch immediately.)

Forcefully, as Minho wasn't in his right mindset, the demon grabbed his wrist harshly and threw him towards his soft feather-made bed -earning a small squeak from the boy.

"H- P-please.." before the begging boy could finish his sentence, he heard a deep chuckle escape from the creatures mouth.

"Ph- ha- HAHA- oh my god, your so funny." He laughed, patting his shoulder as he gave a smirk to minho.

"Ju- you know what, im gonna shove my dick in your throat instead and make you choke if you don't take your clothes of this minute." He threatened. Yet, he heard no sound. The young adult was left quiet. Is he hiding something?

"Im.. a f-fertile!"

"Good, i have three holes to fuck then!" He smiled, leaving minho shocked from how he reacted.

"My name is jisung and also Han, but.. you must call me master or daddy." He clapped his hands with a smile written on his face before he gestured minho to take off his clothes.

Slowly and cautiously, he took his shirt off and layed it next to himself on the comfy bed. Then, he took off his pants, only leaving his with red panties and thigh high socks.

"That's hot, but take off your thigh high socks unless you have a leash."

"Where on earth will i get a human leash?"

" you have a dog or cat?"

"Well, i have cats!"

"Do they have a leash thats red?"

"Yes.. wh-"

"Bring it right now."

Doing as told, he shyly walked towards where he would put his cats leashes on;the hanger. He slowly grabbed the ruby red leash and walked his way towards jisung, awaiting his fate.

"Spread your legs for me." He ordered.

As he needed to obey him, he spread his legs far apart where jisung could see everything.

"Its pink? Thats cute. It's gonna get even pink after this." he teased, earning a soft moan from minho.

He couldn't help but snicker under his breath, horny from a tease? Such a slut. He pushed his legs further apart, as if he couldn't access him properly. Not patient enough, he slid a finger into him immediately, which made minho moan more than once.

"Ungh..~ i-.. it feels good.." He moaned out, earning a glance from jisung:who grinned as he fastened his pace.

"A.. ah! S-slow down..! Da-daddy!"

"I want to see you squirt"

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⏰ Last updated: May 20, 2022 ⏰

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