Part 62- Don't Walk Away

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Hey everyone! Sorry this has been a long time coming but I've been so busy with a lot of things happening at the moment. It's shorter than usual but I wanted to get this out for you. Enjoy :) -StormyWinter <3

I spent the rest of the day avoiding Brook's suspicious looks. She knew something was wrong when Ash sat next to me and I looked like I could claw his eyes out. His hand rested on my thigh and I slapped it away before he'd even had a chance to get my attention.

The ceremony felt long and hot with the incident between Katie and Ash in my mind. I couldn't stop running through what had happened. Ash smiled at me as he collected his awards and I smiled back. It was the smile I had used for years before I'd met Ash, and I was using it again to forget what he had done to me.

My hands clammed up every now and then and I found myself wiping them on my outfit. I always felt Brook staring at me and tried to play it cool but by the end of the ceremony she pulled me to the side and looked me dead in the eyes.

"What is up with you? It's like I'm sat next to someone who just killed a person" She waved at Ash as he began to collect his things and was moving to speak to Sam. I felt the blood boil in me as that dumb smile of his appeared and he flicked his hair across his face. The wrath he would feel when everyone knew of this.

"Nothing, I'm fine Brook" I smiled back, praying she would drop it. Graduation really wasn't a place to make a scene. I'd found that out when a video was posted of a girl falling off the stage. The video went viral and she moved to a university in England to get away from everyone who knew her. Her actions were pretty drastic but at least she didn't have to put up with males like Ash.

"If you don't tell me, then you can tell Ash. You tell Ash everything, and he can help you" A sympathetic emotion appeared on Brook's face and I had to fight back the tears because Ash wasn't that to me anymore. I didn't even know him after what he'd done.

"I can't tell Ash, I don't want to talk to him anymore" Brook's expression immediately changed and she stared at me, confused. Her face quickly changed back to a smile and I turned to see what she was looking at. Ash was walking towards us; I had to act like everything was okay.

"I did it!" Ash laughed as he held up his grade sheet. I smiled at him and he pulled me into a hug then lifted me off the ground. It felt wrong to be in his arms when he'd been in someone else's arms only a few hours ago.

"Yeah... you did... finally" My smile was shaking and I was trying to stop it from turning into a frown. I had to keep it strong, I could not ruin his day. All I wanted was for this hugging to stop.

Before I realised what was happening, his lips were moving towards mine and I could feel the disgust at tasting Katie's saliva. I couldn't dodge a kiss without it looking weird but my heart was telling me I couldn't do it.

"Uhm, I have to go to the toilet... I just started my period" Ash's face looked horrified at what I had said and I was glad. Brook was giggling in the background as I smiled a little at Ash before running off.

I could hear them talking between themselves as I ran off. Ash asked what was wrong with me then Brook asked if he'd upset me. He lied and said no. He could have confessed then, told her everything and dealt with the consequences, but he didn't.

I ran straight past the school building and walked to a nearby park. Nobody seemed to notice me even leaving the grounds; they just let me walk out of there.

As I was walking every memory started to plummet back into my memory and everything we'd done together came back to me. Ash taking me to the beach for our first date, taking pizza, and us spending a night under the stars.

Our trip to Las Vegas and losing my virginity to Ash. When Sam found out that Ash and I were dating. Our first kiss in the corridor.

When Ash told me I was his girlfriend.

I took out my phone and stared at the picture on my screen. Ash and I smiling very goofily at the camera. It was the day his team won the football match and we were celebrating at a house party.

That was the night he told me he wanted to spend the rest of his life with me. As we laid on the grass and watched the stars he took my hand in his, and gently whispered that I was the best thing that had ever happened to him. Turns out that those words meant nothing to him now.

I threw my phone to the floor and screamed in frustration. My hands beat the fence of the park as I felt the anger rise in me and burst out like fire. It was as if my heart had broken in two and now one half was missing.  It hurt so much inside, and there was nothing I could do.

My hands were black and blue when I managed to stop hitting the fence and I sunk to the ground. I had to stop myself from running back to the school and screaming at him, but I couldn't. I couldn't ruin his day.

I tried to quieten my cries but they were so loud as I felt the feelings of joy leave my body. There was nothing left of me. He was the only thing to me that was important and he broke me.

It felt like someone had ripped out the happiness and poured in sadness. Someone had messed with my body and taken away the things that created joy.

I wiped the mascara from my eyes and sat up to see a figure in the distance. My heart instantly dropped. It felt like it was going to fall straight out of my chest and create a bloody mess on the floor.

"Rhi, let me talk to you"

I watched his movements and felt sick at the very thought of him.

"No, Ash, we're over"

He walked further towards me and held out his hands to me.

"Don't walk away, Rhi."

I stared at him one last time.

"You were the one that walked away when you kissed someone else"

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