Part 54... we wont break up

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"3,2,1.... HAPPY NEW YEAR!"

"Come over here, give me a kiss" I smiled at Ash who was stood against the fence drinking a beer.He put his bottle down and walked over to me. His arms enclosed around me and before i knew it his lips were touching mine.The kisses he gives have just gotten better over the time we've been together. It soon starts to turn into a full on kiss and i break off.

"Save some of that for later child" I laughed and took his hand, looking into his eyes. I'm glad we managed to spend the new year together, Ash was going to be looking at universities now but i persuaded him to stay here.

"I'm glad i spent this new year with you, it's the start of our serious relationship.Everything from last year is gone now, it's just the future we have to look to" Ash said squeezing my hand and leading me towards the lake. Everyone was crowded round the campfire drinking hot chocolates and laughing. I smiled as i noticed Brook and Sam seated comfortably together. 

"And who knows what the future holds, who knows what will happen.... who knows whether we'll seperate when you go to University...." I said trailing off realising that Ash knew what i was saying. 

"I won't break up with you, I promise" Ash said looking into my eyes. I grabbed a stick and stuck a marshmallow on it, then plunged it into the fire rougly.

"That's what they all say...." I frowned watching my marshmallow burn. It started to go all gooey then just fell into the fire. A marshmallow destroyed, like my life would be in months.

"Thats what I say. I mean it." Ash said taking my face in his hands and looking at me. I went back to looking at the fire. The fireworks would be starting soon, i wanted to watch them.

"Right...." I tried another marshmallow and failed. I sighed and threw my stick on the floor.

"See, you're not doing it right. You have to be gentle, you give it a little amount of heat.They're soft, delicate and need lots of attention" It entered m mind that Ash could be referring to me when he said this. I just nodded and watched him remove the soft white object from the fire. He handed me the stick and smiled. 

"I see....there's some kind of way then?" I said biting the gooey goodness.

"Yeah, there's some kind of way for us to stay together" Ash smiled before wrapping his arms around me, i lay my head on his chest and watched the fireworks that were being set off.

"So, Ash we agreed that we wouldn't let this happen!" I shouted down the phone, tears streaming down my face. Ash had just declared that he was thinking of going to a university in Georgia. That was a long journey for me and him. I wouldn't be able to see him often, meaning the relationship could collapse. 

"Rhi though, this university is perfect. I can get a good qualificaion here, they have good accomidation and jobs. Can't you be suppportive of this?!" Ash sounded frustrated. I could tell he was driving, he shouldn't be driving while on the phone.

"Do you know what? I'll phone you later. You shouldn't be on the phone while driving..." I said getting ready to hang up. Before i could Ash shouted down the phone again.

"No, lets do this now. Rhi, you have to understand that i have to start higher education, and if that means leaving you then...I have to. I have to start thinking about my future, and i know i said you'd be in it but.... do you still want to be in it?" I sighed and sat on the floor holding the phone.I'd be thinking about this for the past two months, it was February. Valentines day in 4 days.

"Ash i just.... i've been thinking about this. We're finally going somewhere with our relationship, we're finally together. We can get through this, and it doesn't matter how far away you are. I mean i'll Skype you, phone you, email you and even send letters. I'll become one of those really obsessive girlfriends who want's to talk to their boyfriends all the time...." I could hear Ash laughing on the other end of the phone.

"I guess thats a good plan..... Listen i have to go.,... I'll.... " And the phone cut short before he finished, right before that i heard the smashing of metal. That's when it hit me that Ash had been involved in a road accident. 

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