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Draco's pov:
What the hell had just happened!
What am i gonna do!
I need help Pansy!
Okay you need to calm down Dray.
Everything is gonna be just fine, now what is it you want to do?
And DONT lie to me!
I don't know anymore, like i'm not gay right.
O sweetie you are gay already.
WHAT how do you know?
Because it's quite obvious, i personally have known since 3 year.
Who else knows?!
Well i would say about everyone, cause like I said it is quite obvious.
But I know for sure that Blaise knows he found out in fourth year.
We had a bet you know when you would find out.
HA I guess he owes me some galleons now!
You put a bet on me!
Haha whoopsie.
Okay, we will talk about that later, I don't now what to do Pans.
I mean even if I were to be gay (*kuch you are gay kuch*proceed) Rude, Malfoy's do not BEG!

In de great hall
Still Draco's pov:
O nooo, there he is can we leave.
No we are not skipping lunch to avoid Harry Potter.
Yeah I'm with Pans bro.
O shut up Blaise.
Just don't look at him.
Wow, what a advice Pans.
What I was just trying to help.
Blaise do you see how grumpy he is today.
Told ye.
OMG OMG OMG he's looking at me!
That look away you idiot!
Yeah Pans is right, you are not going to beg him so let him come to you
Yeah you're right.
I'm just not looking at him.
OMG I looked at him!
But like right in his eyes.
O please just kill me.
Well you should have listened to me.
Not the time Pans.
OMG he's coming over here can we leave now!
Yeah let's go
Yeah I was done eating anyways.

Harry's pov:
Soooo I did something pretty stupid yesterday...
What level of stupid Harry?
Harry Potter level stupid or you and Ron combined level stupid.
Combined, but more stupid.
O god what did you do?
Yeah I'm curiou so!
Ronald finish your food and than talk!
That was disgusting.
Well I'm not gonna tell you exactly what I did because it's sinful (*omg*) moine don't interrupt me!
But it has something to do with Draco Malfoy and I think he is mad.
The thing is he probably has every right to be.
Okay well just go over and apologize to him.
Yeah what she said.
Do I have to.
Well he is you're crush so if you ever want to have a chance with him, yes you have to.
Because from the little info you gave me I can tell that it is bad.
Yeah you're right.
Thanks moine and Ron.
I guess I will go do that right away.
Good luck Harry.
Yeah good luck mate!
I walkt over to slytherin table, but Malfoy and his friends left as soon as he saw me.
Shit he must really hate me now.
This is bad but Draco was already gone so I decided to go to class.
O how I messed up.


A/N: Okay let me start by saying I am sorry for kind of abandoning this book.
          I was very busy with school and was bothered by my anxiety a lot.
          But it's getting better, yay!
          And also OMG this book actually got reads, THANK YOU.
          When I started this book I did not expect even 1 person to actually read this.
           So thank you so much :)
           I will try to write more often!
           Also I want you're opinion: more smut or less.
           You can decide!


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