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Draco pov:

WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN! I here Pansy screaming as I enter the common room.
I have some ideas Blaise said watching me limp over to the couch.
O shut up! I say as I hit him on the back of his head.
Well how was it then? Pansy asked.
If I knew I was going to be interrogated I would have stayed away longer I sigh.
O don't be such a drama queen Blaise says, yeah we want to know everything Pansy chimed in.
Look we had sets it was nice and that's all you need to now about it, i say wincing as I get up.
So are you a thing now or what you're not really being very clear Dray, Pansy said.
Frustrated I sigh I don't know, we didn't really talk about that.
Do you want to be? Blaise asked.
I thought to myself 'do I want that'.
I don't know I said and with that I walked upstairs to go to bed, tho sleep didn't exactly come easy that night.

Harry pov:
Well well well, look who's back I hear Moine's voice say as I enter the common room.
Harry where have you been mate? Ron said.
Eh- where do you think he's been Ron, with Malfoy of course she cut me of.
Am I right Harry? Moine said.
Eh well, yes.
You were out very long she said.
Well I can do what I want right.
No you said you'd be back about an hour ago, Moine said.
O well I'm sorry "mum", but I am an adult, i said while poking out my tongue at her.
He isn't wrong Moine.
I know that she said with a sassy tone.
It doesn't matter go to bed both of you we have a important transfiguration exam tomorrow and with that she stormed up the girls dormitory.
Well she's angry Ron said.
Very sharp Ron.
Hey I can't help it he said.
Was it fun? He said in a mocking tone wiggling his eyebrows.
I hit him on the back of his head with my book, walked up the stairs and said: 'yes of course' smirking smirking at his reaction.
He stood there speechless for a minute not expecting me to answer his question and then followed me.


Draco pov:
Finally classes were over and Pans and Blaise had convinced me to go talk to Harry.
I pull him into a empty classroom.
Hey he says.
I fiddle nervously with my robes.
Is everything alright he asked.
I eh yeah I just wanted to talk I said.
Okay what did you want to talk about he says smiling.
'Alright breath in breath out'
What are we? I manage to stammer.
His face turns to a frown.
Ehm I don't really know what do you want to be he asked.
I don't know I say staring at the ground.
No, I think you do he says.
The he says Draco look at me and he turns my head to look at him gently.
Draco would you be my boyfriend he asked.
'Omg I can't believe it, this is perfect'.
Yes I say smiling shyly, he smiles back at me and kisses me.
It not like any kiss we had before, the other one were full of heat and desire this one was calm and loving.
He softly bit my lip for entrance, witch I gave him.
And I let his tongue explore my mouth as I moan in the kiss.
He pulls away and goes down to my neck and I moan as he finds my sweet spot.
He then keep sucking and kissing that spot till a point where I'm quite certain he's going to leave a hickey, but I don't even care anymore.
He then looks in my and and says I have to go boyfriend.
He smirkes and gives me a small peck on the lips.
Yeah see you tomorrow boyfriend I say as he walks away.
' omg god, I have a boyfriend'
I think as I let myself slide down the wall onto the ground.
'I have a boyfriend and it's Harry James Freaking Potter'
And right now in this moment I felt happier then I have felt in along time.


A/n: Heyy lovelies,
         Omg i haven't posted in sooooo long, I'm sorry.
          There's just been some stuf going on in my personal life, but once again I'll try to post more often.
But look I posted this time, next chapter will probably be way more spicey, but I just wanted to give it a
bit of a story line.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 03, 2022 ⏰

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