Part 18

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I don't know why I feft like protecting her forever in my arms, only until her thick black hair moved away from her face and I saw those brown hazel eyes. And that's it, I got the answer to my question, these were those beautiful pair of eyes that I was dying to see from all this time.

It was bestie, my Sherni, my first love, my Naira.

I couldn't let enough of the happiness seep into me as I stared at those gorgeous pair of eyes with the most beautiful figure lying still in my arms, staring back at me with thousands of emotions in her eyes.

I didn't realise when a drop of tear made it's way through my eye and fell on her cheek, breaking our trance. I helped her to stand straight, still not taking my eyes off her gorgeous face which was shining in the dim lights in the dark night.

Before I could say anything or even utter her name, she moved away from me, gazing at me as if I was a stranger, that look on her face peirced my heart.

"Sorry!" She said or rather whispered, quickly moving away from the place, thus, shattering my heart into a zillion pieces.

I stood there for a few minutes figuring out things in my head, I was numb, my body felt like it wasn't ready to move after at all after the shock. Just the tear glands felt like the only organ of my body that were wanting to work and that too to their full potential. As I felt the wetness on my cheeks, due to the continuous tears rolling down from the cheek and then further near my lips and neck, I decided to move to some other place.

I ran towards my car, not wanting to face anyone or let anyone see me in a vulnerable state like that. I left towards the cliff to find some alone time and figure things out.


As soon as I reached here and came out of my car, I fell on the ground with a thud, I shouted my lungs out, trying to let out all the pain. I hit the ground hard with my fist, venting out my rage, not at her, I could never be angry on her but I was angry at my fate, who had been cruel enough to me.

I looked towards the sky, trying to seek my answers, "Till today, even though I hadn't found her but still I atleast had hope that she would have loved me too and would come back to me. But today, when she was in front of me, she didn't recognise me at all, I was hundred percent sure that she was my Naira only but the look on her face hurted me like hell, why? why did she leave me? why did she never come back? Did she really forget me?"

Seeing the starry night, I remembered that night, the same one which initially bought a lot of peace and beautiful memories to me but later scarred my heart with the worst memory.....


While Kartik was calling for Naira, his eyes finally saw what he was yearning to see, for what felt like a hundred years to him, Naira standing right in front of him, moving towards his side of the road with her head hung low.

Without thinking anything, he ran towards her and engulfed her in a bone crushing hug, he was so happy seeing her and finally feeling her in his arms that he didn't notice the change in her, seconds later he realised, the first out of many unusual things, she didn't reciprocate his hug.

As soon as it stuck him, he broke the hug, cupping her face, "What happened Naira?" Tons of questions going on in his mind that he wanted to ask her but forbidded himself to do so, thinking to making sure if she was alright first.

Her next action not only confused him but also worried him, she removed his hands from her face and without uttering a single word, started to move past him.

Before he could stop her or even question her further, their teacher approached them.

"Where have you been, Naira?" She asked strictly, ofcourse all the teachers and students were trying to find her from a really long time but could not find a single clue about her, everyone on the camp was worried about her.

Naira kept mum and hung her head down, Kartik was astonished. The teacher kept on shouting at her for being irresponsible and ruining everyone's trip, but Naira not even for once tried to clarify herself or tell where she was. He definitely knew that she was not an irresponsible  girl who would do something like this, there must have to be a reason but it was unknown and furthermore, she wasn't ready to let others know it.

After the teacher, shouted at her, still her face was the same as before, devoid of any kind of emotion, she moved towards her tent, ignoring everyone who tried to come near her, even Kartik. She packed all her stuff and later, by afternoon, all the students were going back to Udaipur as per decided.

Kartik was left disheartened as his Sherni, was constantly ignoring him, she had somewhere again become the way she had been earlier, quiet and lonely, cutting off socially, she had again built a barrier against her and the people around her, the only difference was that this time it was much more difficult to break the wall surrounding her.

The last memory Kartik has of her was that she left him and the school forever, after the session. Moving to a place which was unknown to him along with the fact that she was leaving until he heard a few teachers talking about it, but, alas, he was late and she had gone very far away from him...

What happened to her was still a mystery to him, a question that acted like slow poison to his heart, killing him slowly and painfully each second............

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