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It was the Sunday after Terri had left for Afghanistan; I didn't sleep at all that night. I sat on the couch with a big bowl of cereal and the gallon of milk and cereal box in arm's reach. Tear drops mixing with the milk as I got choked up over scenes in The Lucky One. I had been watching a list of romantic war movies such as Pearl Harbor, Cold Mountain and next was Dear you can see, I was a mess. And to top it off, Janet hadn't been home all night either.

I was about to pop in the next movie when I heard the fiddling of the key in the door. Janet crept in thinking I was sleeping; it was now 7am. I cleared my throat and stood there surprised with my hands on my waist. Janet in turn gave me a sly smile and it looked as if she was about to explode of excitement.

"Did you just come from Ian's place?" I shook my head, thinking the worst.

"I did...but nothing happened I promise!"

"Janet I'm not your mother, but if you fail to mention ANY details you're in trouble." I warned her while smiling and pointing at the sofa.

I was looking forward to borrowing some of her happiness for a while. She skipped on over to jump on the couch and we huddled next to each other to exchange secrets.

"Well first off you already know how fond I am of Ian, he's such a wonderful father and writer and...great listener. Last night we stayed up for hours talking and he just listened to my life story pretty much. He gave me great advice and encouragement."

"So you stayed a while after he got back from wherever?"

"No, that's the best part! He didn't know that my birthday had passed till Conner gave him a picture of me with balloons and a cake. So yesterday he called me over to babysit and when I arrived it turned out to be a surprise kiddie party that Conner decorated for me; with Ian's help of course." Janet gushed.

I was smitten by little Conner's big heart. How thoughtful and sweet for both Conner and Ian to do that for her. I clasped my hands together, holding them close to my heart; I could cry all over again.

"We played games, ate cake and then watched two movies till the little guy gave out. After Ian put him to bed he then offered me some coffee and we just talked for hours. I loved it...and now I'm ready to go back Brynn. I'm ready for nursing school."

"Janet that makes me so happy to hear that you've found your way again; maybe I should go and talk with him and see if I feel any better." I sulked.

"How are you doing?" She paused and saw the answer staring right in front of her.

The milk was almost out, the cereal box empty and the tissues were crumbled on the coffee table, couch and floor. Needless to say I probably had dark circles under my eyes.

"So did you guys stay up all night?" I continued.

"No, I actually fell asleep. But I'm too embarrassed to remember at what point of the night I passed out at...I just woke up on the couch covered with a blanket." She smiled.

"Less than 2 months and we'll be going back home...I can't wait to see mom, I miss her so much right now."

Janet hugged me, knowing I was going through emotional hell. I laid my head in her lap as she patted my head and acted like a loving sister. As the movie played, my eyes remained moist. I kept envisioning my last conversation with Terri, the day he told me the horrid news...the last day I got to see him. It all happened so fast, we had to settle for Skype dates and phone calls. But now who knows what the conditions were over there. Terrence said it could be anywhere from a week to a couple of months till we could talk again. I wanted his address to write him but he didn't have it yet either; I'd have to wait for him either way.

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