chapter one

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we'll pretend for the sake of it wattpad was invented in this period of time

When Hermione had first suggested Wattpad to take his mind off things, Harry had scoffed. No way was he going to read in his spare time, especially not the books of people who weren't even fully educated! No, it was a waste of time.

But... things had ended up taking a turn for the worse, and he had downloaded it on his new phone and reluctantly made an account with the username hjevans, the boredom finally getting the better of him.

Hogwarts now allowed the use of mobile phones. Students were meant to mail them to Professor McGonagall so she could charm them to become resistant to Hogwart's powerful magic. Although a lot of people had been reluctant to do so, she had been adamant that it was the only way and they only had a limited time period to do this, as she could not perform the charm inside of Hogwarts.

Quickly, Harry had gotten sucked into the rabbit hole of fanfiction and romance and despair. He would pick up a book and swipe through it within mere hours, devouring each page and bawling when it was over, complaining to Hermione about the bad grammar in some, or how some of the people online were extremely unusual.

Hermione had just ruffled his hair each time, glad her friend was not drowning in grief like he had been that summer.

One particular story Harry was a fan of was named Call Me By Your Name, which had started updating around a few weeks after the war. Harry had been intrigued by this tragedy, written of two boys and a forbidden love too strong to resist.

Today, the latest chapter had been updated, and Harry was one of the first to arrive at the scene.

"Havu," Donel cried, reaching for his lover's hand. "Havu, my father will never approve."

The dark-haired man stood on the cliff, tears overwhelming his eyes as he looked out to the forest below him. "Your father will never approve and that means you must never find happiness? Always keep him happy?"

Donel looked as if he were about to protest, but Havu wrenched his hand from his grasp and stared at him with fire in his eyes. "You are of age, Donel. You can make your own choices."...

Harry was in awe of how the writer, lucidM, had protrayed these imperfect and flawed beings. They made Harry at peace with himself, happy he was not alone in being broken and tainted.

He left a comment, as always.

hjevans: nice chapter! can't wait to see more

The author replied by , unexpectedly enough. He always seemed to respond to Harry's comments, despite them being drowned out by hundreds of others.

lucidM: thank you.

He appeared cold and mysterious, and Harry would be lying if he said he wasn't intrigued. Pulling up the author's page, he saw the account was made at the same time the book was released. His profile picture was an unusual drawing of a pale dragon, his bio containing nothing except for:

he/him || update schedule for Call Me By Your Name: every week.

Despite the seemingly frigid aura he radiated off the viewer's screen. lucidM had gained a high following of two thousand, with his novel's reads hitting two million.

The author had never yet missed an update, giving Harry the impression he either had them lined up or he was extremely organised.

"Or he has nothing better to do," Ron had said when Harry told him about it. "Honestly, he's probably thirty!"

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