Part 3

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💭 represents thoughts.
Saturday, September 8, 2012. Around 1:00 AM.
Kindaichi's phone starts ringing.
Kindaichi "Hmmm."
Kindaichi grabs his phone and answers it without looking at the caller.
Kindaichi "Do you know what time it is?"
Loud sobs echo from the speaker waking Kindaichi fully. Kindaichi looks at the screen before cold sweat starts to cover his body.
Kindaichi "K-Kageyama?"
Kageyama doesn't reply but continues to cry.
Kindaichi "Where are you?"
Kindaichi jumps from the bed, wears his clothes, and runs towards the front door.
Kindaichi "Kageyama, please answer me."
Kindaichi "Where are you?"
Kindaichi "Are you hurt?"
Kageyama "..."
Kindaichi "Do you want me to call the cops?"
Kageyama "N-no..."
Kindaichi "Please tell me. Where are you ?"
Kageyama "H-ho-spital."
Kindaichi freezes as he tries to compose himself.
Kindaichi "W-which hospital?"
Kageyama "M...H."
Kindaichi "I will be there in a minute."
Kageyama "D-don't ...hang up..."
Kindaichi "I won't."
Kageyama "Mmmm..."
Kindaichi "Try to calm down a bit."
Kindaichi "Breathe with me, Kageyama."
Kindaichi starts to take slow breaths while waiting for Kageyama to breathe with him until he reaches the hospital.
Kindaichi "Kageyama."
Kindaichi runs toward him. He was sitting on the floor, hugging his knees while sobbing quietly.
Kageyama "Kin...daichi..."
Kindaichi grabs Kageyama into a hug making the latter burst into tears again while grabbing Kindaichi tightly.
Kindaichi "I am here. Breathe Kageyama."
Kindaichi "Just try to breathe."
Kindaichi rubs Kageyama's back as he sits on a chair while still hugging him.
Kindaichi "It is alright. I am here now."
Kageyama continues to cry on Kindaichi's shoulder.
Kindaichi "Kageyama?"
Kindaichi "Kageyama, what happened?"
Kageyama "M-Miwaa..."
Kageyama bursts out crying again and grabs Kindaichi's shirt tightly as tears streams on Kageyama's face.
Kindaichi "What happened to her?"
Kageyama "..."
Kindaichi "Kageyama?"
Kageyama "She...S-she..."
Kindaichi "...."
Kindaichi "It is alright. Just breathe slowly."
Kageyama "I-"
Nurse "Kageyama-san."
"Kageyama stands up to face the nurse."
Nurse "Kageyama-san is stable, but she is still unconscious."
Kageyama "Can I see her?"
Nurse "Yes, she is in the ICU. You can see her only from the outside."
Kageyama "O-okay."
Kageyama starts walking toward Miwa's room with Kindaichi trailing behind him.
Kindaichi "Wait, Kageyama."
Kageyama "..."
Kageyama ignores Kindaichi and continues walking toward the room until he freezes and slips to the ground as tears start to cover his face. Kindaichi looks into the window; he sees Miwa's leg in a cast. Her head and arms wrapped.
Kindaichi "..."
Kageyama "Miwa..."
Kindaichi "Kageyama..."
Kageyama looks at Kindaichi before he kneels near him and hugs him. Kageyama buries his face in his shoulder as he continues to sob. Kindaichi continues to rub Kageyama's back slowly, trying to calm him down.
When Kageyama stops crying, Kindaichi carries Kageyama.
Kageyama "Wha?"
Kindaichi "Let's sit on the chairs, okay."
Kageyama "I-I can walk."
Kindaichi seats Kageyama on the chair, and he sits near him.
Kageyama "..."
Kindaichi "..."
Kageyama "..."
Kindaichi "Hmmm...W-what happened?"
Kageyama "She got into a car accident."
Kindaichi "Oh..."
Kageyama "She was getting home from work and...and..."
Kindaichi pulls Kageyama closer to him as the latter starts to sniff, trying not to cry again.
Kageyama "Nobody knows what caused the accident yet."
Kageyama "The officers are waiting for Miwa to tell them."
Kindaichi "Hmmm..."
Kindaichi hums as he continues to rub Kageyama's back slowly as Kageyama places his head on Kindaichi's shoulder.
Kageyama "..."
Kageyama "She..."
Kindaichi "Yeah?"
Kageyama "S-she was in surgery for more than an hour when I called you."
kageyama "And ...and I was getting so scared she wouldn't make it..."
Kageyama "I-I am sorry for calling you so late-"
Kindaichi "It is fine."
Kindaichi "Everything will be fine, Kageyama-"
Kageyama "I hope so..."
Kindaichi "..."
Kageyama "..."
Kindaichi "Mmmm..."
Kidaichi opens his eyes slowly and sees Kageyama asleep on his lap before rubbing his eyes. He grabs his phone, but it is dead.
Kindaichi "Kageyama..."
Kindaichi starts to shake Kageyama slowly, making him turn before he opens his eyes.
Kageyama "Kindaichi?"
Kindaichi "Mmmm..."
Kageyama looks around for a few seconds before he finally realizes where he is
Kageyama "Miwa."
Kindaichi "Let's ask the nurse once she finishes checking up on her."
Kageyama "Yeah."
Kindaichi and Kageyama walk toward Miwa's room door and wait until the door opens.
Kageyama "Excuse me."
Nurse "Yes."
Kageyama "How is my sister?"
Nurse "Nothing new. Kageyama-san is still as she was yesterday."
Kageyama nods before looking at Kindaichi, who is rubbing Kageyama's back.
Nurse "Excuse me."
Both Kindaichi and Kageyama bow and thank the nurse before she leaves.
Kindaichi "Kageyama, do you want to eat breakfast?"
Kageyama "I don't want to leave her."
Kindaichi "I know, but you have to eat.
Kindaichi "You cannot ignore your health."
Kageyama "..."
Kindaichi "For her sake, Kageyama."
Kageyama "Okay."
Kindaichi starts walking, but Kageyama stays still watching his sister from the window. Kindaichi grabs Kageyama's hand, and drags him to the cafeteria.
Kindaichi "Just find a seat. I will get the food. Do you want anything specific?"
Kageyama "N-no, anything is fine."
Kindaichi "Okay."
Kageyama nods and sits near one of the empty tables. A few minutes later, Kindaichi comes back with 2 trays of food. The two boys start to eat silently, with Kindaichi glancing at Kageyama every few minutes.
Kindaichi "Kageyama?"
Kageyama "Hmmm?"
Kindaichi "Do you want to go back home-"
Kageyama "No."
Kindaichi "..."
Kageyama "I am not leaving her alone."
Kindaichi "I am not asking you to leave her alone."
Kageyama "..."
Kindaichi "Just go home, take a shower, get changed, then come back."
Kageyama "..."
Kindaichi "So?"
Kageyama "What if she wakes up when I am not here."
Kindaichi "The nurse will call you."
Kindaichi "You aren't leaving her alone."
Kindaichi "There are so many people taking care of her now."
Kageyama "..."
Kindaichi "And it won't take us long, okay?"
Kageyama "Okay."
After the 2 boys finish their food, they check on Miwa and head back to Kageyama's house.
Kageyama "Hmmm...You aren't going home."
Kindaichi "No, I don't want to leave you alone."
Kindaichi "Moreover, it is faster if we go to one place.
Kageyama "..."
Kindaichi "Unless you mind if I take a shower here, then-"
Kageyama "No, it is okay."
Kindaichi "Okay, then."
Kageyama "..."
Kageyama "Wait a moment. I will get you a towel and spare cloth."
Kindaichi "Okay."
Kageyama "..."
Kageyama hands Kindaichi his cloth and leads him to the bathroom; before he heads towards his room to shower.
Kindaichi "Do you have any snacks you can pack for later?"
Kageyama "No."
Kindaichi "Oh, that is fine. Just grab your charger and power bank."
Kindaichi "I will buy you some snacks later."
Kageyama "..."
Kageyama "Thank you."
Kindaichi nods before he pats Kageyama's shoulder.
Kindaichi "Let's go back."
Kageyama "Mmmm."
After a few minutes, Kindaichi and Kageyama make it back to the hospital.
Kindaichi "Kageyama?"
Kageyama "Yeah?"
Kindaichi "Can I use your phone?"
Kindaichi "I want to call my mom."
Kageyama "Sure."
Kindaichi plugs his phone in the nurse's office, and he calls his mom to tell her where he is and goes back to Kageyama.
Kageyama "Thank you very much."
Kindaichi "What did they tell you?"
Kageyama "If Miwa's condition remains stable, they will be moving her from the ICU."
Kindaichi "So, she is better."
Kageyama "Yeah."
Kindaichi "That is great."
Kageyama "Yeah."
Around 5:00 PM.
Kindaichi "I think my phone is full. I will get it. Do you want me to get you anything on my way?"
Kageyama "Just water."
Kindaichi "Okay."
Kageyama "Thanks."
Kindaichi buys the water before he heads to the nurses' room and gets his phone. He turns his phone on after he gives Kageyama his water. Directly Kunimi's name flashes on the screen.
Kindaichi "..."
Kindaichi "I-I am going out for a few minutes."
Kageyama "Okay."
Kindaichi "💭Shit."
Kindaichi "Hi."
Kunimi "..."
Kindaichi "💭I forgot our date."
Kindaichi "Akira."
Kunimi "A-are you fine?"
Kindaichi "I am."
Kunimi "I-I see."
Kunimi "I-I am glad y-you are..."
A low sob is heard through the phone tightening Kindaichi's heart.
Kindaichi "Where are you?"
Kunimi "I-I am still ... waiting for y-you ...near the movie theater."
Kindaichi "..."
Kunimi "I am going home now..."
Kindaichi "I am so sorry, Akira."
Kunimi "..."
Kindaichi "But...Hmmm..."
Kunimi "..."
Kindaichi "C-can we meet in the park?"
Kunimi "No ... bye."
Kunimi hangs up the phone.
Kindaichi "💭I know. I am mistaken."
Kindaichi "💭I cannot believe I forgot our date."
Kindaichi "💭I should have called him."
Kindaichi "💭I should have informed him that I could not go."
Kindaichi "💭But I forgot."
Kindaichi "💭I fucking forgot."
Kindaichi "Ugh."
Kindaichi "💭I know, I have to go to him."
Kindaichi "💭And apologize in person."
Kindaichi "💭But Kageyama..."
Kindaichi "💭I don't want to leave him alone."
Kindaichi "💭I don't want to call Akira to apologize...I want to talk to him in person."
Kindaichi lets out another sigh as he leaves the hospital and enters a nearby shop to buy some snacks for Kageyama.
Kindaichi "💭But even if I call him and I try to explain what happened,."
Kindaichi "💭The moment I mention Kageyama's name. Akira will hang up."
Kindaichi "💭I don't know what to do."
Kindaichi "💭Or how to fix this."
Kindaichi "Ugh."
Kindaichi sighs again after he pays and starts walking back to the hospital.
Kindaichi "💭I don't have any other choice, I guess."
Kindaichi "💭I will give Kageyama the food. Then I will go to Akira's place."
Kindaichi "💭I will figure out how to explain what happened to him on the way."
Kindaichi "💭Then I will come back to Kageyama's side."
Kindaichi "💭Good job messing this up, Yutaro."
Kindaichi enters the ICU and freezes when he sees doctors rushing towards Miwa's room. Kindaichi's eyes wander and land on a terrified Kageyama standing against the wall crying.
Kindaichi "Kageyama?"
Kindaichi runs directly toward Kageyama and hugs him tightly as Kageyama continues to cry in Kindaichi's embrace.
Kindaichi "What happened?"
Kageyama "I-I don't know. I-I don't know."
Kindaichi hugs Kageyama tightly as he looks at the doctors through the window of Miwa's room. A few minutes pass before the doctors leave the room, and a nurse approaches them.
Nurse "Kageyama-kun?"
Kageyama "Y-yes."
Nurse "Your sister is stable now."
Kageyama "W-wha..."
Kindaichi "What happened?"
Nurse "You don't have to worry. It isn't anything serious."
Nurse "It is rare for this to happen."
Nurse "But as long as this doesn't occur again, you don't have to worry."
Kindaichi "So, is it dangerous?"
Nurse "No, no, it isn't."
Nurse "Everything went back to normal now."
Nurse "So, don't worry."
Author "I don't know what I am talking about, sorry."
Kindaichi "Thank you."
The nurse excuses herself before Kindaichi pulls Kageyama and seats him on the chair while still hugging him and calming him down. A few hours have passed before Kindaichi lies a sleeping Kageyama on the chair and sits near him on the floor.
Kindaichi "..."
Kindaichi "💭I am sorry, Akira."
Kindaichi lets out a sigh and takes his phone.
Kindaichi "💭I know you are mad."
Kindaichi "💭But..."
Kindaichi "💭Damn it."
Kindaichi "💭It is already 11."
Kindaichi "💭Akira..."
Kindaichi calls Kunimi.
Kindaichi "💭Answer Akira, please answer."
Kindaichi "💭Please answer."
Kindaichi "💭Come on, answer."
Kindaichi "..."
Kindaichi "💭Please ... Akira..."
Kindaichi sighs and calls Kunimi again, but nobody answers. Kindaichi continues calling Kunimi a couple more times, but he never answers. Kindaichi sighs as he sends a message to Kunimi.
Texts between Kindaichi and Kunimi.
Kindaichi "I am so sorry, baby boy."
Kindaichi "I love you."
Kindaichi "Good night."
Kageyama grunts near him, grabbing Kindaichi's attention.
Kageyama "Miwa..."
Kageyama mumbles in his sleep. Kindaichi starts rubbing Kageyama's head to calm the boy down as he continues to sleep peacefully.
Kindaichi looks at his messages and sees that Kunimi has read them but didn't reply, making Kindaichi sigh again.
Kindaichi "💭Just allow me to explain the situation to you."
Kindaichi "💭I know you would agree with my decision."
Kindaichi messages his mom to inform her that he is staying in the hospital; before he rests his head on the chair border and falls asleep.

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