8. Defense

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Jimin was just sitting quietly inside the fried chicken shop, holding her drumstick and staring at it with her zero expreasion. She don't know what to feel at the moment.

Infront of her was her boyfriend. Suprisingly, the guy smiled to his ears happily while eating his chicken. He didn't even bother to ask why did Jimin look so down and silent.

The situation stays like that, but after a moment Jimin break the silence when she lifted her head slightly to talk to him.

"Can I meet Aeri this evening?", Jimin asked and in no time, Yeonjun's happy face turned into a dark frown. His eyebrows sharpen and his eyes goes darker. He put his chicken down, clenching it inside his fist.

"Why should you? You have me", he asked, cold like any other times when Jimin tried to ask him to meet her friends.

"I just want to meet her. It's really been a while...", Jimin said. Her voice weaken, trembling. Somewhat in nervous, might be also in fear. Who knows, but after 3 months dating him Jimin slowly became afraid of him. She even became less talking to him.

His voice somehow could make Jimin shivers to her deepest bones. The way he looks at her when he disagreed with something Jimin want to feels like a life threatening.

But, Jimin didn't get to see Aeri for one month already.

Aeri was her high school bestfriend. Feels like glued to the Japanese, its hard for them to be apart. Jimin missed Aeri a lot.

"But, it's been a month. I missed her...", Jimin said and her voice was so low, but her boyfriend sharp ear can catch her words up.

"Look at me, Jimin", he said. His voice was strong, bold, cold and instructing. It sends chills to her spine, so Jimin couldn't help but to lift her head slowly, looking to him right in his eyes.

His eyes is so dark, in a bad way. Jimin gulped for a second as she tried to move her eyes elsewhere. It's too scary to look at him into the eyes.

"You have me, okay? You can hang out with me anytime. Now let this question of yours go. I don't want to hear it again"

Jimin nodding her head slowly in defeat. She can't help it, cuz the way he look at her was too tense. She realized in some way. What made her fell in love with this guy 3 months ago? Why did he looks so attractive and cute 3 months ago? Why did he look like the guy Jimim ever dream for 3 months ago? Everything feels different now.

He's much colder, much scarier, and much possessive than Jimin thought he could be. What she afraid the most is that...

She afraid what Minjeong said might happen.


Minjeong just walking out from her class as she making her way towards the college open garden where she promised to meet Ning and Aeri there.

Poor Aeri tho. She can't hang out with Jimin anymore, but Minjeong was glad there's still people like Ningning to be by Aeri saddening side.

The way towards the open garden actually pretty far from the place she is righg now. She need to walk 400 metres thru the college buildings, thru different types of college fields.

It felt like another coincidence, Minjeong felt pair of eyes watching her as she walk her way beside the football field.

Crap god. Why did god always gave Minjeong lots of coincidence she didn't even want?

Yeonjun was looking at her, in a weird way for sure. Minjeong looking at him from afar, and she could see how the guy smirking towards her, with his eyes formed into half crescent moon. Onlu fools will take that face as cute, but Minjeong know that the one who was looking at her has problems with their mental.

Brave enough, Minjeong lifted her hand. Middle finger was up towards him, innocently. The guy deserved her hatred.

Strangely in just seconds, he suddenly pulled out his phone after he saw how pure Minjeong face showing him her disgraced finger. Later, a pop sound came from Minjeong's pocket and she pulled out her phone.

Unknown : I fucked her last night, and she cried.

Minjeong hurriedly turn her head over to that sarcastic guy at the football field. His face still in his smirk, like he's proud of doing so. This guy literally always succeed to make Minjeong's blood boiling.

"Where the fuck did he get my damn number!", Minjeong cursed angrily.

Minjeong : Don't tell me you hit her!

Eyes in fire, as she turn her head back to Yeonjun who still standing at the same place. God, she want to kill that guy so freakin bad.

Unknown : She's mine so there's no need to worry if I hit her~

"---This guy seriously", Minjeong can't held it anymore longer. That damn guy really killing her inside and she want to burn him so damn bad.

Calling a specific number, Minjeong immediately tell Ning to come at the football field because Yeonjun was there, and if something will happen, only Ningning can save her.

"Jeongie, no! You aren't doing---"


Already abandoning her phone as she running straight towards her pure enemy, Minjeong cam flying with her kick. It sounds silly, and maybe will look silly, but thank god it still hit the guy.

Even just a bit.


Minjeong swinging her arms her and there to punch him, but none make contact. Anger arise and Minjeong just cursing out loud at the open field, succeed making some people nearby giving their attention towards them.

"She's mine, and I can do everything I want~", he smirked as he moved his body to defend himself from getting hit by Minjeong's fist. Even tho she was a girl, Minjeong fist was pretty fast.


People started crowding around them, looking at the view of a girl trying to punch their college football superstar. Minjeong take note that the hate will get into her later, but who cares? All she can think right now is Jimin.

Minjeong know she didn't deserve Jimin, nor hoping anythinh from Jimin as reply. But she don't want the worse to happen to her lovely crush. She won't let that happen.

Not with this sociopath.

"Come on, Minjeong. This is what you've got?", Yeonjun said as he managed to grab one of Minjeong's fiery fist, twisting it without much thinking. That's when pain hits Minjeong.


"Why do you care so much? Did you liked her behind my back? Gosh, Minjeong~", he scoffs happily, walking around Minjeong who's now frozen in place, holding her painful arm tightly.

"I care because you treat her like a toy! O care because she is a human!"

"Really? But sadly, she's mine", he grin and punched Minjeong on her cheek. Thuds on the grass and there was Minjeong, crouching in pain.


Minjeong know that voice. Too familiar actually.

It wasn't her friends voice.

"What the fuck are you doing Yeonjun! She's a girl!", Jimin came standing right infront of Minjeong. Arms wide open, trying to protect the younger girl. Crowds gasping in shock when she saw her. Not because she saw that the one who came there was the college beauty...

"J-Jimin....", Minjeong gasped, same like the others when she saw her just from her back.

Red marks obviously clear on both of her wrist. Also what Minjeong couldn't see but the crowd could see is her face.

Her face looks...




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