Vol.1. Chapter 1.2: Corrupting Kushida

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[A/N Just a fair warning, this chapter contains emotional manipulation]


[Kiyotaka POV]

[Location: Class D]

I took a step toward the seat with my nameplate. It was near the window in the back of the room. In general, a good spot to sit. Looking around, the classroom appeared to be about 60% full.

I ran my fingers over the hard surface of my table before inspecting my fingers; thankfully, there wasn't even a trace of dust.

Feeling satisfied I took my seat.

Right before I thought of taking my EarPods out to listen to some music, a girl sat beside me.

Oh, I remember her. Or rather, it's hard to forget her. The girl simply sat upright after placing her bag on her desk. She gave me the impression of a hard-to approach honor student.

"Well, this is a pleasant surprise. Fancy meeting you here, Suzune." 

''I don't recall giving you permission to use my first name.'' Suzune spat out.

Now that I got a good look at her face, she was certainly more beautiful than I gave her credit for. If anyone tells me that she was a year or two older, I'd probably believe them. She gives off the vibe of a cool beauty.

''Aww, but we are in the same class. Plus we are neighbors. Don't you think we can be close now?''

''Are you delusional?''

''You treat me like trash, Suzune. I'm kinda offended.'' I replied in a sarcastic tone.

''I don't think you're trash. You are more like the... bacteria that grows in molded cheese.''

''Sorry, but I am diagnosed with 'IDGAF'. It stands for I don't give a f**k. By the way, I wanna explore the school after class, see all the shops, cafes and whatnot. I want some fresh visual stimulation. Care to join me?''

''No. It'll be stupid and lame.''

''True. But it'll be less stupid and lame if you were there.''

She paused for a second to stare at me. After a short moment, she sighed and ignored me.




"Ahem. Good morning to you, students. I'm the instructor for Class D. My name is Chabashira Sae. I usually teach Japanese History. However, at this school, we do not change classrooms for each grade. For the next three years, I will be acting as your homeroom teacher, so I hope to get to know all of you. It's a pleasure to meet you," she announced.

Her suit made her seem like a hard to approach beauty, and most normal people would feel overwhelmed by her. However, her confidence as a teacher made her mannerisms feel strangely gentle.

The Tokyo Metropolitan Advanced Nurturing School differed from other Japanese high schools in a few key ways. All students are required to live in dormitories located within the school's premises. Also, students were forbidden to contact anyone outside the school. Naturally, leaving the school grounds without permission was also strictly forbidden.

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