1st September 2014

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Lily Luna Potter had done the biggest of shows early in the morning when the Potter's and 16-year-old Teddy went to drop her by Gaillard Institute for her first day of school. Despite being with her cousins Hugo and Molly and her friends John Finnigan and the Wood twins, Jennifer and Carter, Lily was too upset for not going to the Platform to see Teddy off to Hogwarts.

"Don't worry, Lily." Teddy assured her with a hug. "I'll be back soon enough, ok?"

"Promise?" The little redheaded who was the walking copy of her mother cried to her godbrother's shoulder.

"Yes. I love you, Lily." Teddy encouraged her to go with Miss Clearwater who had just finished talking with Percy and Audrey who were there to leave Molly II. The little girl finally set off to be with the other kids.

Albus had earlier shared a quick hug with Teddy before wondering about with Rose, Roxie and Alice. But James, for the first time, had kept with them for as long as he could, while Freddie covered for him with the teacher.

"James." Harry called. "You have to go."

"Just a minute." He begged to his father, before turning again to Dominique, one of his best friends. "So, Dom, this is it. See you at Christmas then?"

"Yes, I'll miss you Jimmy." Dom smiled. Differently than with her siblings, Dom was the sweetest when it concerned James and Fred.

"Be sure to be a Gryffindor, ok?" He joked and Dom frowned for a bit. James didn't noticed as he had brought her to a hug before running off to his own classroom.

"That was touching." Bill stated with a smile and was received by a killing glare from Dom.

"Shall we go then?" Victoire asked, while she was holding Teddy's waist.

"Yeah, I have to get there a bit earlier. Prefect's meeting." He rolled his eyes. Teddy had been assigned as a Gryffindor prefect the previous year together with Ellie, but he dreaded group meeting as their rival Gladys Aled was the Slytherin's prefect.

"I have to go, Ted." Harry announced, bringing him to a tight hug. "Have a nice term and relax, ok? No letters home from Neville or Vic nor Ellie saying you are near from a nervous break-down, ok?" OWL's hadn't been easy on Teddy.

"Listen to your godfather." Ginny pressed, giving him a hug and a kiss on the cheek. "I have to head to the Prophet as well. Bill, all set?"

"Worry not." Fleur assured her sister-in-law.

Everyone said their goodbyes (Harry, Ginny, Ron, Hermione, Percy, Audrey, Susan, Seamus, Katie and Oliver) and wished the kids good luck, until only Bill, Fleur, Vic, Teddy and Dom were left. Bill side-apparated with Teddy and Vic while Fleur took Dom home to get everyone's stuff and head out to King's Cross.

They all rushed to the passage to Platform 9 and ¾ and took a little bit to find Heather and Mr. and Mrs. June together with Tobias and Ellie. Ben also had to be at the Office with Harry and couldn't go see Tobias off that year. Teddy said his goodbyes to the grown-ups and told Vic he would find her later.

"So," Bill started, turning himself to his two daughters. "I can't believe Dom is already going to Hogwarts."

"It was bond to happen, Dad." She replied with a roll of eyes.

"If you excuse me, mama and Dad, Lotte is calling me over." Victoire interrupted her sister's rudeness, giving a quick hug to her parents before disappearing into the crowd to finally see her other friends.

"Dom, ma chèrie," Fleur smiled to Dom, placing her hands on her cheeks. "Enjoy your year. Mama t'aime, ok?"

"I love you guys too." Dom said half-smiling. "I'll see you in December. Bye." She quickly hugged her parents and left them before her mother started to cry. She remembered when Vic went to Hogwarts and how Fleur cried the whole day nonstop.

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