Trip to Earthland

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Rimu: Im so BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOORED, who knew leading a country would be so boring

Rimuru currently sat in his chair within his  office with Shion and Diablo by his side as he was doing paperwork forced on him by his secretaries. As much as he liked being the leader of his nation and having managed to save the world and all that, he LOATHED the paperwork and necessities that came with it. He slumped back in his chair as the door to his main office came crashing down at the sight of a familiar face

Milim: HEY HEY

In the doorway stood the demon lords Milim, Ramiris (and Beretta), Guy Crimson and Luminous with the ice dragon, Velzard, behind them

Rimuru: hey guys, what are you doing here?

Milim: we came to visit you

Velzard: I came to see my brother

Luminous: I was dragged here

Guy walked over to Rimuru with his arms crossed as his head tilted up and down the piles of paper before his head titled in Rimuru's direction

Guy: dealing with paperwork huh?

Rimuru: yeah it sucks

Rimiris: cheer up Rimuru, I'm sure something exciting will happen

Diablo: indeed

Suddenly Rimuru's cheif scientist, Varca, came in from the doorway as his eyes widened to seeing the demon lords and even a true dragon in the room.


Rimuru: no no its fine, so whats up my guy?

Varca: I've recently made the discovery of a lifetime. Whilst I was digging out space for my laboratory, I found a mysterious device located underneath the earth itself

Rimuru: OOOOH that sounds awesome, you guys wanna go check it out

everyone: why not/sure/alright

Varca walked out of Rimuru's office with the others closely following behind him before being joined (more like forced by Velzard) by Veldora. They walked for a few minutes before arriving upon Varca's lab underground. They walked past his usual equipment before coming across a large hole in the wall. As they all walked into the large hole before finding strange equipment and a large circular device made of some metal attached to a wall.

(ignore the little i circle thing on the side, I had to get it off of youtube)

(ignore the little i circle thing on the side, I had to get it off of youtube)

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Rimuru: what is this thing?

Guy: interesting

Varca: I have many theories but it appears to possible be a gateway of some sorts

Velzard: I remember something like this, don't you dear brother

Veldora: Yeah I remember Veldanava mention something like this, he called it a "dimensionator "

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