The guild is formed: Tempest Shadow

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(Here's the Tempest Shadow guild logo)

(Just a quick heads up I did a rewatching of the show and it turns out I messed up. Apparently Makarov was meant to be at the magic council meeting when Lucy met Erza which happened just as Rimuru arrived. So you'll just have to suspend your disbelief for this chapter. I do apologize for the mistake and I'll try to prevent those from happening in the future.

Also as to why I've taken so long to update, a combination of personal issues, college, rewatching Fairytail season 1 for this fanfic as well as planning out other stories. Again sorry for the long wait but here is chapter two)

Makarov was rarely scared. Very few things managed to make him as nervous as he was now.

Currently he was walking with several beings who could very well rival the likes of gods in this world and is currently taking them to the guild masters meeting that he was, stupidly, late to. Behind him was the guild of otherworlders master Rimuru Tempest. Along with him were his two secretaries Diablo and Shion. Rimuru had one of his subordinates, Benimaru he believed his name was, at the guild in case they needed any help.

Makarov turned to those not of his world "I must warn you, these guild masters are incredible powerful and they will get curious as to why I have brought you three with me. If any do try and attack you try not to hurt them too badly. I also recommend that you keep the fact that your monsters or from another planet a secret as to not start a panic."

The one called Diablo scoffed "so long as they don't insult lord Rimuru I will have no qualms with them."

"Neither shall I"

"I can assure you Mr. Makarov, I won't cause any trouble and I'll do what I can to keep Shion and Diablo out of it." With Rimuru reassuring him that they wouldn't cause trouble, he opened the door to the guild masters conference. Once the door was opened, just about every pair of eyes turned to him and the three monsters behind him.

"Well this is an unexpected Makarov. I was sent an invitation from the magic council about a new guild that you personally recommended and I just had to see this so called 'Tempest Shadow' guild for myself." Jose Porla, guild master of Phantom Lord guild and one of the ten wizard saints alongside himself. "So which of these three is the guild master of Tempest Shadow hm?"

Rimuru stepped forward before extending a hand "The names Rimuru Tempest, I'm the guild master of Tempest Shadow, the two behind me are my secretaries Shion and Diablo. Its a pleasure to met you." At first Jose seemed confused, naturally he assumed that the blue haired girl was just a simple member. However the master of the strongest guild quickly composed himself and remember how deceiving looks can be. After all Makarov didn't look like a guild master much less a ten wizard saint.

Jose extended his hand and quickly shook Rimuru's. "Well then its a pleasure to meet you Miss Rimuru Tempest my name is Jose Porla of Phantom Lord."

"uh I'm actually a male Jose." Once again Jose was taken for a shock but simply brushed it off. After all Bob of Blue Pegasus didn't look like a dude yet he was. Rimuru moved past him before introducing himself to some of the other guild masters before an unexpected face showed himself. The man had dark blue hair and a red tattoo/marking in the left side of his face.

[notice: this unknown figure is a physical projection]

{Really? Wonder if its just a neat party trick or he's just that cautious?}

The unexpected figure walked up to Rimuru who turned around to face the man "may I help you?"

"My name is Siegrain of the magic council. I just thought I'd come down to give a more proper introduction to the newest guild to grace Fiore." Siegrain extended a hand to Rimuru.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Mar 06, 2023 ⏰

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