The Message: Part 1

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The night was a fair dark blue because the city lights lit out the dark. Everyone seemed to be busy with their lives. But liking closely everyone was in a rush to get off the streets. Such dinners lurked the nights.

Killers killing, murderers murdering, assassins assassinating, rapers raping , and psychos psyching.

Nothing was safe about the night, but still people probed it. Even after the streets were empty, deserted by people.

A women in her early twenties, dressed a fashionable red tank top and black skirt with white heels, walked the streets. Walking like she was the safest person, in the world, through the night. Cars drive by slow,eyeing her down, but she kept walking with the same page and innocent look. One car slowed down almost to a stop to speak.

"Hey there sweet thang!" He yelled excitedly. "How much you cost?"

The women turned her head and smiled.

"You couldn't afford me sweetie." Examining the car she laughed. "Not if you're driving that hunk of junk."

The man's face tuned red and quickly drive away and turned the nearest corner.

The women pushed her curls back and stop smiling.

 What a creep, She thought.

With a grin she thought out loud. "This is the part were he hits a corner and another , probably an estimate of four. Drives up to-" She was cut off by the hunk of a car, the same car matter fact, in which did come back.

With no signs of being surprised, she turned her body to the car.

"You need a ride, baby?" This time the mans face grinning and his voice, unsafe and scheme filed.

The woman put her hands on her hips and raised an eyebrow.

"You can't take no for an answer can you?" Her voice sarcastic and hurtful.

The man put his car in park and got out, his white shirt stained with a yellowish-brown on his chest.

 Liquor stain, She thought.

His head with few stands indicating his age, old.

"You come with me you'll get paid a lot per person." He looked at her as he came closer. "You'll leave rich..." he stopped inches away.

 "Hmm... you don't say." Really not in thought, she was tempted to attack but kept her cool.

"And who is your boss? I'm sure there is one. Are you part of the Rapers for Fun?"

The man smiled. "It won't be rape. You'll get paid..."

The woman shook her head. "That's not answering my question, darling."

There was a pause and then the man nodded.

"Yes, I'm in the RF." He said in a low voice.

The woman smiled. "I thought you were." Slowly she walked, twisting her hips with every future step, until she was close to him.

She reached out and wrapped her arms around him. In surprise, he stood there for a second then wrapped his arms around her waist.

The woman's face closed to his ear.

"Who's your boss?" Her voice holding back venom.

"You'll see him when you get there ." His hands gropping her butt and rubbing her back.

Unsatisfied with his answer she pushed him back onto his car, her body still pressed against his.

Seconds later he started kissing her neck and bitting it. A moan slipped from her mouth and quickly it escalated to him feeling under her skirt.

Her hands fell to his zipper and she felt something hard. He jumped at her touch.

She slowly unzipped it, while doing that with her right hand, she reached for her pocket knife in which was in her heel.

She bended so low that the man put his hand ontop of her head with one hand and pulled his private out with the other.

Finally, she reached the knife and came back up with it hidden out of his sight.

"Times up!" She grinned a menacingly smile. To the man's surprise he looked down at his private.

"But..." Speachless, he didn't put it away."you're not finished."

The woman leaned on him, his private touching her stomach, her face closing to his ear and she wrapped her arms around his neck, but this time the knife was secretly under his neck.

"My name is Zai, better known as Queen."

The man's eyes widened.

"Tell your boss I'm grudging on him. Send this message and accept the pain in which comes with your death." She ran her left hand through his beer gut and slid the knife away from his neck and stabbed his back twisting it side to side.

He screamed and pushed her. Staggering back she laughed insanely.

Quickly, he fixed his pants and ran to the driver's side, eyes on her, terrified, opening the door and getting in. Hitting the gas, he scattered. Keeping straight till out of her sight.

Shaking her head not satisfied.

"No fun. I wasn't even done." Closing the bloody pocket knife and placing it back in her heel. She turned and walked the opposite direction.

. . . .

The man stumbled into the building yelling.

"Boss!" The pain from his back had spread. He half ran half walked to the elevator.

Another man ran to him, grabbing the wounded man before he fell.

"What happened?" His voice panicking from the blood in which was spilling onto him. While holding the wounded man he tried to feel were the wound was.

"The... Queen" He talked in gasping breath, coughing up blood. "Grudging ....on...Boss Man." Spasm out, he gripped the man's jacket.

"Tell Boss Man!" With that he fell limb; his hand fell to the floor like a flat ball with one bounce. The worried man continued to hold the dead body, pulling out a walkie talkie from his back pocket.

"This is Crow speaking to Robin, are you in?"

Quickly it answered.

"Robin here go ahead and speak."

The man cleared his throat. "I have a message that is to be sent to Boss Man." Looking back down at the body, he finally placed it on the floor.

"Alright, what's the message?"

"One of our men are dead, his message: "The Queen grudging on Boss Man."

The voice on the other side seemed to pause. "Robin? Are you there?"

Finally, he answered.

"Roger, thank you for your message it will be delivered. Robin, logging off."

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