Vol 2 - 8: Invasion at the USJ - Part 2

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When that purple swirling portal showed up at the edge of the fountain, located at the bottom of the stairwell leading into the main area of the USJ, Josefumi Kujo felt that dread from before build up to a fever pitch, but before he could figure out what was going on, that confusion turned into worry when Kira began to have a panic attack, and the concern turned into stress once she passed out.

Now was not the time to have Kira pass out, yet for some reason, she did, and in all honesty, he couldn't blame her. She was already on edge when they got here because they had sensed that rogue Stand User within the building. Villains attacking at the same time only served to make that worse.

But now, she was a liability. Unless he could wake her up, she was going to be a sitting duck, and with that other Stand User roaming around, the last thing that he wanted was for her to be killed—or any of them, for that matter.

"W-What's happening?! W-Why's Yoshihara—"

"Panic attack. We need to get out of here," Josefumi said, interrupting Izuku, narrowing his eyes over to Thirteen. The commotion going on because of Aizawa's announcement that there were real, honest-to-Kami villains inside the USJ, didn't come as a shock to Josefumi—he was more confused than anything else—but he did have one question lingering in his mind.

Why here? Why at the USJ? What was so special about this place that caused these villains to attack a bunch of high schoolers? There was nothing about them that proved that their class was special. Was it a coincidence? If that was the case, why bring a Stand User? He could still sense them, but right now his focus was on figuring out the puzzle set out before him.

And then it hit him.

"All Might...."

All Might was a teacher at U.A.

His class was a bunch of U.A. students.

Currently, one of All Might's classes was at the USJ, being attacked by villains.

Put the two together, and add said group of students being secluded from the school away from the massive security system that the Main Campus had, and it was a perfect recipe for wanton chaos, destruction, and moreover death to students and faculty.

Now to be fair to himself, he could easily beat up any villain who came near him so long as he used Soft & Wet, but it wasn't just him. There were his other classmates who didn't have the advantage of being a Stand User.

And with there being another Stand User outside of him and Kira in the building who was most likely siding with their attackers, things could go to shit in mere moments, and the death of students and faculty could come because of it. Not to mention, with Kira out like a light, that left only him to deal with the Enemy Stand User.

"This is bad. This is really, really bad... if someone else other than me ends up fighting that Stand user, they'll be fucked... Forget having the school lose its reputation, the death of a student is no joke, and on campus of all things? That could tank the school!" Josefumi thought, summoning Soft & Wet over his body to pick up Kira.

"First things first, get Kira out of here as fast as possible, make sure she's safe. Then plan accordingly to deal with The Stand User" Josefumi thought, looking down at Kira's unconscious form. What could've prompted the panic attack in the first place? Stress and fear made sense, but Kira seemed to be the type of person who could shrug that off with ease.

So what brought this on? What was it that she saw that made her freak out? He was still trying to wrap his head around it, and yet, no matter which way he pulled at his brain to try and put the pieces together, nothing clicked. Nothing at all.

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