Vol 6 - 4: Internships, and Choices - Part 2

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[Internships, and choices – Part 2]

Tenya Ida was tense. He was tense for many reasons, but the main reason why he was tense was the obvious reason. Two days ago, his older brother and former Pro Hero, Tensei Ida, fell victim to The Hero Killer Stain—a lunatic hell-bent on "cleansing society" based on his twisted views of heroes. And, unfortunatly, Tensei didn't meet up to those ludicrous standards. His wounds were worse than what they had previously been thought to have been, and as a result, Tensei succumbed to his wounds and passed away.

His family was grief-stricken, and for that day, everyone took the day off to mourn. Everyone except for Tenya. It wasn't out of malice, nor was it because of some stupid sense of self-pride like his mother had accused him of.

While what his mom accused him of feeling wasn't unjustified, it did make him feel a little annoyed that she would say such a thing. He chalked it up to losing a son, and that the grief was messing with her emotions. Although, she wasn't far off. What Tenya was feeling was something similar to pride, what with it being linked to The Seven Deadly Sins.

He was not filled with pride, but rather, he was filled with nothing but wrath and fury. And what made that fury burn brighter than it already normally would have, was the idea of standing still while that rat bastard Stain was running around and separating more families. It made Tenya feel ill.

He wasn't about to let anyone else feel the pain that he was feeling ever again, and he was going to do it the only way his heart would let him.

Through cold-blooded revenge.

He wasn't about to let Stain get away with this. He wasn't about to allow Stain the agency to take away his older brother, all for the expressed purpose of making society a "better place." If he wanted to do that, then he should've been a hero and changed it from the inside, rather than do what it was he was doing now.

Was it mad to do things this way? Probably, but as far as Tenya cared, he was running on his emotions right now, refusing to allow logic to take its place. There were times for logic and times for emotion. Besides, this was personal. He wasn't doing this out of some sort of fantasy of finally defeating a coldhearted villain for fame or money. This was about taking a murderer out once and for all.

He wasn't just going to beat Stain. No. That was a mercy.


He was going to kill Stain.

He was going to do the same thing that Stain did to his brother. He was going to make Stain repent the hard way, and if he died in the process, then so be it. He'd rather die knowing that Stain was dead than die a meaningless death by failing to do what he set out to do.

He would hunt Stain down to the ends of the Earth for his revenge. And when he did, his brother would be able to rest in peace. It also meant that the name "Ingenium" wouldn't be tainted in a stunt like this. It was why his current Hero name was Tenya. It was so that his family's legacy wouldn't be tainted by his anger and his bloodlust.

He might have been wearing a version of his brother's Hero Costume, which consisted of a black one-piece suit with a high collar, decorated with various pieces of silver armour, including a bulky chest plate, which had two sets of three wrap-around engine decals around the torso, just for the added flair, a metal collar around his neck and another around his upper arms, and metal vambraces that extended past his elbows with points at the ends.

His helmet, while different from Tensei's took a lot of inspiration from him. The helmet covered his entire face, obscuring his identity. The mouthpiece was covered in holes, allowing him to breathe easily, while the upper part of the mask was far more rounded with two bigger holes, allowing for air to circulate so he did not sweat to death underneath the mask. And finally, there was the last piece of the helmet—the horns. The horns were meant to represent a bull. Bulls were some of the fastest land animals on the planet, and seeing as he, Tenya Ida, was one of the fastest people alive on this planet, along with the rest of the Ida family, it only made sense for him to have a set of bull horns on his helmet.

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