My healthy lifestyle

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"Hi everyone it's willow! Today I'm gonna talk to you about maintaining a healthy lifestyle, so let's get into my morning routine! I wake up at 6am and start with a cold shower and skincare."

Fuck. It was 11 o'clock. I'd been pressing snooze since 6, completely unmotivated and uninspired as per usual. Why was I always like this?
What's wrong with me?
Yeesh, let's not go there.
I heaved my heavy body from the comfort of my sheets and trudged to the bathroom, dragging my achy feet.

The bathroom mirror was a cruel mistress. She gagged in disgust at the crust on my face from yesterdays makeup and the neglected acne that had made itself quite at home on my massive forehead. And this is before I had even put my glasses on? I was fucking hideous.
Just put on a smile willow. Fuck no that's worse, hide those yellow rocks you call teeth.

"Next it's time to make my bed and eat my breakfast. I find that a plate of fruit and some lemon water keeps me energised."

I poked my head lazily around my bedroom door and heaved an exasperated sigh at the dire state it was in before mooching off to the kitchen.
I lived in a ramshackle apartment on the shady side of my city, neighboured by drug dealers and murders. The kitchen consisted of a rusty microwave, a sink, a fridge and two draws that were shrouded in some kind of mould.
I sat on the kitchen floor after yanking a carton of milk from the fridge and a stale muffin that was definitely going to make me ill.

"After eating, I like to go on a morning walk and do some yoga or a quick workout."

I threw on a hoodie that swallowed me whole over the pyjamas I had outgrown a year ago. Throwing myself on the sofa, I grabbed the remote and flicked through possible Netflix shows to binge. Eventually, I gave up and took a nap while old episodes of a sitcom I had seen a thousand time screamed at me.

I don't remember my dreams but I think I had a nightmare because I woke up gasping and drenched in sweat, as I often do.
The noise that woke me repeated itself.
Thud thud thud
Followed by
"Hellooo? Anyone home?"

That's weird. No one comes here, and I'd never heard that voice before in my life. It was a girls voice that sounded innocent and bubbly. The kind that makes you feel sympathy for a person when you hear it, because you know they are yet to experience true pain. The things that haunt your past are looming over their future.

I came to my senses and groggily made my way to the door. I swung it open to see a girl standing on my worn out doormat. She was pale and
Covered in orange freckles, with fiery ginger hair and a button nose. She gazed at me with an exited aura and beamed, revealing a perfect set of pearly teeth while her smile pushed her cheeks up, making her eyes squint cheerfully like two crescent moons.
I stared at her with a blank expression, clutching my carton of expired milk and stale muffin.

"Hiya! I'm Stella Osbourne, I just moved here from my home town. The landlord said you're my new roommate!"


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