Chapter One

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"Its funny, you know. How often people change their mind. Even if they never knew in the first place, they give themselves a label. They say they lean toward something when really, they are stuck in the middle. Then they make a decision and say they changed their minds. How can you change something that never existed? We lie, cheat, fight, and let our emotions get the best of us. We're all people. They're all people. I would join the crowd of being human but I have the same traits. The only difference between them and us, is we have a gift. We...have seven senses." May looked into this girls eyes as she landed on the ground. The girl looked startled when she was descending. But after May had said that, she toughened up. "Oh? So what are the other two?" She immediately regretted asking. May backed the girl up against a wall. "Danger. We can sense danger, and know when to cause it.There's a secret one that we almost never use-energy. We can draw energy from things. The other one? The psyche. We can sense other people's moods and thoughts. Like right now, you're afraid aren't you?" The girl pushed May off, shocking her. "Why would I be afraid of you? So you have powers, big deal. What are you?" "I am a Cecilian." May turned away from the girl then back. A cool feeling hit her eyes as they change from purple to green. The girl looked at her confused. "You're eyes. Why?" "Each of my seven senses starts a new color." "Oh, so what was purple?" "Sight. Regular sight." The girl raised an eyebrow ''And green?" May smirked as she flew an inch off the ground. "Danger." "Oh, so you're about to cause danger? Then why are you leaving? To retrieve some magical weapon?" The girl mocked. "Im leaving to live. Good luck. Oh, don't close your eyes." May laughed and flew straight up with no nearby destination. She'd gone looking for the perfect victim but she strolled off to far. She had been flying above the city, marveling at a new world. She'd never been in the city before. She'd never even been in the country. She hadn't seen civilization in the daylight. All May had was a little cave where she lived with her pet cat. Her black cat. How it all started. May had never been superstitious. She'd been walking at the base of a mountain once and a strange black cat was there. She picked him up saying "Oh, hey little buddy. Are you ok?" The cat nuzzled into her and she held him close. May was homeless. She looked into the sky as it started raining. She found a well hidden cave at the bottom of the mountain and climbed in. She made it home for the night. And forever. May opened her eyes to the world around her. She was still in the cave, and the rain had stopped. May had a strange feeling all over her body. Her eyes felt dry and her hair felt soft. Considering she hadn't washed her hair in days, it was a plus. She reached into her bag she'd salvaged last minute and pulled out a mirror. She stepped outside into the light and looked at herself. Her purple hair was black. Her amber eyes were purple. She was wearing a gothic outfit. What had happened to her? Was it the cats don't really curse they? Well, they didn't. But this one did. May felt a soft rub against her leg. She looked down to see the cat nuzzling her. It got cuter every time. She picked him up. "You must be hungry, little buddy?" She sat him down and pulled a Shikko from her bag. It was a blueberry muffin filled with cream and jelly. She broke it in half causing a huge mess. The bread had gone stale, and the cream was a bit crusty, but the two of them ate it. She picked up the cat and put in him the cave. "I need time to sort some things out, ok buddy? But first, lets find a name for about Buddy? That sounds cute!" She smiled and walked back outside. She sat on a rock, and let the wind sing to her. May got a weird feeling in her body. It was like chills were being sent down her back. She turned around to see a python striking at her. But her reflexes take hold and jump her back. The snake left but then she spotted another one not far away. It wasn't hurting anything. But she had a weird feeling that she should kill it anyway. So she did. She jumped up and ended up flying into the sky. It wasn't a graceful fly. It kinda just shot her up and landed her exactly where she wanted. She landed on top of the snake, stomping down on its back. She jumped back before it bit her and it stood still. So did she. She just sorta stared at it. She thought I need a weapon. She felt something cold on her leg. She reached down in her boot and pulled out a knife. She killed the snake and the knife disappeared. She came to find out she could only make weapons appear. When she really needed it.

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