part 1

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(This is one of my drafts so this is one of the first story's I ever made, tell me if it's good or not)

   Flashes of magic filled the air. Weapon clashed into each other, beams of light filled the dark forest. It was two groups against each other once again, fighting for the sake of another au.

   Right now we are going to focus on the dreamtale twins near the forest edge. Nightmare, the Guardian of negativity, was trying not to get hit by his brother's arrows. Dream, the Guardian of positivity, kept walking closer and closer to his twin while firing his arrows, of pure positivity, at him.

   "This fight would stop if you just surrendered or retreated brother" said dream still walking closer.

   Nightmare glared but focused more on avoiding the arrows knowing that he could only last a few more hits before passing out from to much positivity and pain. Dream, not liking nightmares lack of response, started to fire more arrows more quickly. This making them harder to avoid.

   The one way fight continued for a little bit longer before nightmare got hit in the shoulder by an arrow causing him to fly back a bit, landing near the edge of the cliff they were fighting next to.

   This caused dream to stop firing and moving. Nightmare, getting out of his state of shock, hurried to get back up. However this sudden movement, along with the impact of nightmare falling there, caused the edge of the cliff to start cracking, this caused nightmare to freeze immediately. Dream stood frozen as he saw his brother slowly look at him, they both knew how this was going to end.

"Dream..." Nightmare whispered quietly, but loud enough for dream to hear for they were a couple feet from each other.

A cracking sound broke the silence between them, the crack was growing bigger and bigger. The twins both had a look of fear but for different reasons, dream was scared of losing his brother and nightmare was scared for his gang if he died. Dream started to slowly but carefully walk over to nightmare to try and save him. He was able to get close enough where they would likely reach each other.

"Nightmare, give me your hand.." Dream whispered, fearing that even talking would cause the edge to break.

Nightmare slowly moved his arm from the ground to reach for dreams hand, this movement causing the crack to grow a little bit longer. Fear laced nightmares face but he continued to reach for dream. Leaning towards dream a bit more, causing most of his weight to go to where he was leaning, nightmare was just about to grab dreams hand but the cliff gave out before he could.

Dream rushed to grab nightmares hand in a last attempt to save him, but nightmares hand slipped out of his and dream had to watch his brother fall into the void below. A single tear slipped nightmares eye as he fell and vanished into the void. The last thing you could hear into the area was a scream of pain and sorrow come from dream as cried at the edge of the cliff.

In that moment, the entire au went quite as the negative presence disappeared and was replaced by the positive guardian's sadness...

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